Saturday, March 31



Wednesday, March 28

me and my mocha Frap

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new picture

thank you jing han for helping me to take the picture 
Love it so much...

gonna do it next time again after all the assignments and train my flexibility back 
and take another picture hehehehe ^^

Thursday, March 22

Sunday, March 18

CNY 2012

chinese new year was like few months back and now i only got the time to post it up hahaha...
and yet i super long have not touch my blog and to update them super lazy and no motivation to it..



like the page at 

more photos click on the link below ^^

carrot cake

*photo from Sophia*

a carrot bake that was bake for audrey.. 
thanks to sophia to help me out really appreciate it!!

oh it was great!! gonna make it again hahaha!!

Wednesday, March 7

Happy Birthday Sophia !!


make a tiramisu cake for Sophia hahaha
turn out alright..but not set enough still a bit watery haiz..

think that my cake fail but other people say it's nice..
but there is always a second chance..but when??

anyway happy birthday Sophia!! 
hope you did enjoy your birthday celebration!!


How i wish i could just tell this to the guy i like...
if i would ever tell him, what would happen?? 
will we still be friends?? will we still talk to each other??
will we get to smile to each other?? I DONT KNOW!!!

wish i had the courage to!!