Saturday, December 31

last day of 2011

wow today is the last day! gonna live myself to the fullest!!

2011 pass with just a many things happen to me this year...
it's really a striving year for me, many obstacles, many challenges, many ups and downs. 
achieve so many goals and objective this year, it make me grew so much!!
But all i can say that i did my fullest to end 2011 without any regrets!!

going to flip through 2011 what i have done...


* got new hairstyle
* farewell with Pui Kuan
* heart break


* Chinese New Year
* Photo shoot with Shirlyn


* Photo shoot for Cass
* In to my camera so much


* freelance photo shoot
* First concert ever
* Graduation
* HSD meet
* Trip to the sea


* Farewell for me
* Last Photo shoot
* Travel half way round the world
* Sis Graduation
* Set up a new blog for my photos



* New life in UK
* My life in UK
* Production
* My birthday
* Christmas dinner

wow 2011 it's really an awesome, a very happening, difficult roads to go
but i end up with no regrets and achieving so many goals that i set..

first few month of the year i suffered and challenge my limit,
but the end of the year i got my dreams came true and i was happy!!

i rather have suffered first and enjoy my my life end of the year!!

just cant wait for what lies ahead on 2012 for me to strive!!



Tuesday, December 27

Christmas dinner

It's Christmas!!!
having Christmas dinner at Mya's house and it's going to be awesome!!

mostly are my sis friends and colleague but they really know how to have fun and enjoy ^^
it's my First Christmas in UK and i LOVE IT SO MUCH except there is no snow.. DISAPPOINTED!! 

so many things to do, to play, to eat as well and also to DRINK!! haha
it's 1 awesome day to spend with friends..LOVE IT!!

cant wait to spend new years eve dinner with them again ahaha!! 

Sunday, December 25

Merry Christmas!!

Had celebrate dong jie and now is going to celebrate Christmas!!

To All My Lovely, Awesome Friends!!

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 23

Christmas song

This Gift - 98 degrees

I never knew the meaning of Christmas - NSYNC

Tuesday, December 20

reach out 
touch one's heart with your voice

you go girl!!


Verse 1
She read me the note he left on her bed
Snuck in her room right after she left
And put petals on the ground
Her head on his shoulder they walk down the hall
I'm left to wonder will I ever fall in love
And where is he now

She's with him, I'm in the back seat
Know it's not right but it hurts when they're laughing
And I've never been where they are

I wanna be blown away
I wanna be swept off my feet
I wanna meet the one who makes it hard for me to breathe
I wanna be lost in love
I wanna be your dream come true
I wanna be scared of how strong I feel for you
Just call me beautiful, Call me beautiful
Call me beautiful, Call me b-e-a-utiful

Verse 2
Friday night she wore his jersey to the game
In the front row screamin out his name
As he turns to her and smiles
Every where I look people holding hands
When am I gonna get my chance at love
My chance at love

Prechorus 2
Cuz she's with him, I'm still hurting
Try to pretend but it's not working
I just wanna be where they are

I wanna be blown away
I wanna be swept off my feet
I wanna meet the one who makes it hard for me to breathe
I wanna be lost in love
I wanna be your dream come true
I wanna be scared of how strong I feel for you
Just call me beautiful, Call me beautiful
Call me beautiful, Call me b-e-a-utiful

My heart is waiting for your love
My hand is waiting for your touch
My lips just wanna be kissed by you

I wanna be blown away
I wanna be swept off my feet
I wanna meet the one who makes it hard for me to breathe
I wanna be lost in love
I wanna be your dream come true
I wanna be scared of how strong I feel for you
Just call me beautiful, Call me beautiful
Call me beautiful, Call me b-e-a-utiful

Beautiful, Call me beautiful
Call me beautiful, Call me b-e-a-utiful

Friday, December 16

Wednesday, December 14

drinking night

me and Audrey got so crazy and we brought all this alcohol bottles 
for our drinking section that night...and it only cost us £70 WOW!!

totally wow and we have mixture from cocktail to vodka to port...

how crazy and awesome were we hahaha
cant wait for Audrey to come back and have another round again ^^

on the ball - production

wrap party n farewell party

after our production we had a wrap party and a farewell party for Callum
that his leaving back to Australia..We'll MISS You!!
even we din't get to talk much but he was an awesome and a lovely friend!!

i'm glad that i have a friend all the way from Australia!!
and he is an AWESOME friend to meet!!

*pictures from the party*