Wednesday, February 22

falling in love??

saw you today and my heart non stop pumping when i lay my eyes on you..

- i start blushing,
- getting nervous,
- hard to breath,
- heart beat raising,
- palm sweating,
- getting dizzy,
 and so on

could it be?? i start falling in love? after so long.. i start fall in love all over again??

i could remember that day is a very special day to me..
given you the cookies that i baked and you hugged me
and you kissed me on the chick
for that moment i will always remember!!

i think i'm in love with you ^^ i think i like you!!

Wednesday, February 15

valentines day

is harsh for a one side love, it's hard to hold it in your heart
it's hard to bare the pain, it's hard to bare the sorrow..

wish that could express my feelings towards you...
my mind is only been on you and you ever since..
i couldn't bare it anymore that my heart is pumping so fast towards you!!

i like you and i like you so so so much!!!

Saturday, February 11

Wednesday, February 8

classy hair style

Wedding hair bow tutorial

Romantic bohemian braids

Trendy retro

Easy sleek

Princess braids

Tuesday, February 7

full moon

a full moon in the sky
purifying the dark sky
brightens up every smile ^^ 

Wednesday, February 1


Gosh super long that i didn't not update my blog T.T

my blog feel so dead without all my juice info and updates about my life haiz =.=, was so busy lately that i don't have time to even update my blog, even i have time i so lazy and tired due to assignment and lack of sleep....

had a two weeks of from uni and i spend all on home vacation that is stay at home all day, online, sleep, watch movie, exercise, most of all SLEEEEPP!!! i hardly have any sleep for the pass few weeks due to assignment and all!! but no complaints here, as i challenge myself for it!!

just realize that it's gonna be end of January...THAT FAST??!! gosh!! and it's Chinese New Year too!!! so jealous that my sis get to go back Malaysia to celebrate Chinese New Year..well she earn it after 2 years staying in the UK...

picture i took before going to CNY dinner haha

it's a whole New Year!! i bet it's gonna be an AWESOME, CHALLENGING, AND FULL OF SPIRIT THIS YEAR!! BRING IT ON, ALL OR NOTHING!! HAHAHAHA...can't wait to see what lies in this year for me..what ever it is, i will live it with full of wisdom, courage and confidence and 100% no regrets!!