Monday, August 31

merdeka day

wow boring man today...this years merdeka day is so quite not like last years where fireworks and many perfromance were on going it was a blast were everyone when for the count down in pyramid...fireworks were lit when the clock strike 12am...dong dong dong(12 times) but this year there is no count down or any performance in stadium Merdeka boring boring...haiz

when the clock strike 12am fireworks were on and ppl will be singing the national song with flags waving and can see ppl smiling happily that is our national day...that we finally have our own independent after so many years we are finally free!! fireworks...i love fireworks is pretty and lovely...but too bad that i cant see fireworks this year...

how i spend my merdeka day this year?? morning woke up at 12 in the afternoon and have my late lunch with saugage eggs and bacon...yum hehe after that watchs some movie and just wonder around the house cos have nothing to no my sis is using the laptop so cant was so bored til my mom ask who wants to go parade and i straightly run up stairs and quiekly change my clothes and get ready cos my mom don really wait for people...
we when parade and my mom brought she facial cream as long din go parade till have lots of ppl walking around...and i saw parade's big apple store was full of ppl...the que was long until it reaches the next store because of the 52% discount on the donuts...yumyum...

the shoe i'm looking for and it have 50% off and is adidas some more love the shoe so much and it's pink i love pink a lot Pink Pink Pink my favourite colour,,hehe and it's cute too. it's so comfortable and a bit heavy as well it cost like RM246 my eye go wide O.O! but when saw the discount price 50% is about RM 123 after discount and i'm saying like OH MY GOD is so cheap but my mom dont allow me to buy cos she think is to expensive so she decide not to buy...and i was like HAIZ why not is so comfort and cheap and because is adidas some more...haiz

look look..look at it ain't it cute?? EEE wan to buy it edi..haha i din't know that parade have little black book store!! OMG i feel that i'm in heaven alreagy the clothes there are so nice and cheap feel that i can spend the whole day saperate til different section like there a manicure area pants shoe shirt and dress area...and i brought this pirple dress for RM30 only see it so cheap..muahahaha so cute cute cute...heheh

Thursday, August 27

The Art of Gymnastic

Gymnastics is a sport involving performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, balance and grace.

Artistic Gymnastics, typically involves the women's events of uneven parallel bar, balance beam, floor exercise, and vault. Men's events include floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars, and high bar.

Artistic gymnastics is usually divided into Men's and Women's Gymnastics. Each group does different events.

Traditionally, at the international level, the gymnast performed routines that he or she choreographed. Nowadays, each country may use compulsory and optional routines at their discretion in the training of young gymnasts.

Compulsory routines are used for gymnasts of level 1-6 and from level 7 and up the routines must be choreographed by the gymnasts with a set amount of skills and there must be a selection of skill types.

floor exercise

balance beam


uneven parallel bar

men's pommel horse

Rhythmic gymnastic involves the performance of five separate routines with the use of five apparatus—ball, ribbon, hoop, clubs, rope—on a floor area, with a much greater emphasis on the aesthetic rather than the acrobatic.

There are also group routines consisting of 5 gymnasts and 5 apparatuses of their choice. Rhythmic routines are scored out of a possible 20 points; the score for Artistry (choreography and music) is averaged with the score for Difficulty of the moves and then added to the score for Execution.

rufus rufus

oh look is rufus. Is from kim possible the movie series RUFUS!! look at him is running so joyfully haha....but this drawing is not really very nice...some place not balance...

3 d modelling rufus? cool...i also want to model learning 3d max so next time sure can model rufus out with different fashion clothes on him to make him cool...

hey ron ur rufus is in my blog and i'm not giving you back..ah hahahaha look his eye is still closing he must ne just woke up from sleep haha

Sunday, August 16

rough game

wow what a rough game we played just now...and now look at my hand is blue black edi wait til u see on the next day is even worse...but it was a fun game. we played in 4 groups and we are suppose to grad other member from different group to make our own group bigger..haha chai fang and lee kuan was enjoying themselve grabbing people...

we been pull and push here and there and we been running up and down to avoid others from grabbing us...we scream and scream til even my sis down stairts room can hear..haha

our hand were red... there are people fall as well...

this is right after the game can see that is 4 finger print there

and this is when i reach home from practice..

my parent were quite angry after seeing my hand...they dont really like seeing me in brust...and i'm happy with that cos they do care bout me..hehe muacks muacks muacks...hehe but it really does hurt i cant lift my arm up...

Friday, August 14

the classic ones

went for animation 2 class yesterday and our lecturer ask us to do a music video with animated cartoons inside the video...i through of my old time favourite cartoon animal tweety..hehe cause his cute look at the picture below ain't he cute..

cute right? aww his a sleep...Shh

look he so cute...

i even have a tweety cup since small, the cup is just shape up like tweety with the nose and eyes sticking out that my aunt gave me...hehe i use it the whole time since small..drinking millo, eating ice cream using the cup so cute...but now i just have a picture of him on the cup but i still keep my yellow tweety cup in the cupboard..

Thursday, August 13

western food for dinner

going in to the house i smell something nice like is just out from the over but din really know what is it and i just rush up to my room have a bath a came down for dinner...and i saw is grill salmon OMG! my favourite!! so long din eat edi but today is no special day but got special food hehe...the salmon is just nice..the skin the juice..tasty..yum yum hehe

this is my grill salmon (yummy yummy) my mummy cook for me hehe