Monday, August 31

merdeka day

wow boring man today...this years merdeka day is so quite not like last years where fireworks and many perfromance were on going it was a blast were everyone when for the count down in pyramid...fireworks were lit when the clock strike 12am...dong dong dong(12 times) but this year there is no count down or any performance in stadium Merdeka boring boring...haiz

when the clock strike 12am fireworks were on and ppl will be singing the national song with flags waving and can see ppl smiling happily that is our national day...that we finally have our own independent after so many years we are finally free!! fireworks...i love fireworks is pretty and lovely...but too bad that i cant see fireworks this year...

how i spend my merdeka day this year?? morning woke up at 12 in the afternoon and have my late lunch with saugage eggs and bacon...yum hehe after that watchs some movie and just wonder around the house cos have nothing to no my sis is using the laptop so cant was so bored til my mom ask who wants to go parade and i straightly run up stairs and quiekly change my clothes and get ready cos my mom don really wait for people...
we when parade and my mom brought she facial cream as long din go parade till have lots of ppl walking around...and i saw parade's big apple store was full of ppl...the que was long until it reaches the next store because of the 52% discount on the donuts...yumyum...

the shoe i'm looking for and it have 50% off and is adidas some more love the shoe so much and it's pink i love pink a lot Pink Pink Pink my favourite colour,,hehe and it's cute too. it's so comfortable and a bit heavy as well it cost like RM246 my eye go wide O.O! but when saw the discount price 50% is about RM 123 after discount and i'm saying like OH MY GOD is so cheap but my mom dont allow me to buy cos she think is to expensive so she decide not to buy...and i was like HAIZ why not is so comfort and cheap and because is adidas some more...haiz

look look..look at it ain't it cute?? EEE wan to buy it edi..haha i din't know that parade have little black book store!! OMG i feel that i'm in heaven alreagy the clothes there are so nice and cheap feel that i can spend the whole day saperate til different section like there a manicure area pants shoe shirt and dress area...and i brought this pirple dress for RM30 only see it so cheap..muahahaha so cute cute cute...heheh

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