Wednesday, June 30

twice a day

hey peeps!! have lunch today with baby dearest again...and we went to strawberry fields again as well but this time we order different things of cause miss baby dearest!! almost the whole week dint see him already so miss baby dearest while at worl i cant wait to see baby dearest...when Bi reach my office kesian him to wait for an hour cause BIBI finish class at 12 and my lunch time at 1pm haiz...sorry o BI need you to wait for me...

why BIBI look so surprise??

i burn my mouth!!

BI knows i burn my mouth and Bi dint do anything but just give a emotion like >.< this...T.T sad..Bi dint come forward and kiss me like last time cause he busy talking picture of me getting my mouth burn sad...after lunch we went to mcdonalds for ice cream!! YEAH!! finally BI allow me to eat ice cream haha...must appreciate the time to eat ice cream cause BI dont allow me to eat...sad sad...

at night when for the peace proposal and saw lecturer room's deco was awesome!!

nice decoration!! good job guys!! you guys done great!! totally victory on wednesday peace proposal!! after the meet BI say he want to celebrate cause he finally finish his peace proposal and he really done well for it..and we went to baskin robin and i treat him ice cream and seems is wednesday = pink day have discount as well double awesome!!

and this 2 came along..spoiled the enviroment..=.=..haiz...

BI ur hand is in the way and you move ...ugly picture came out -.-

peppermint and strawberry my favourite!!!

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