Sunday, September 5


after practice rush home get dress and we were off to milwaukee at USJ 19 mall!! awesome!! dint know what to wear just put on a short dress with a shorts get ready my baby SLR and off we go..

milwaukee steak house affortable and delicious but the whole family still prefer eurpdeli

woooo cool!! the lighting is awesome!! candi shoots

daddy still looking through the menu

playing around while waiting for the food to come!! ngek ngek ngek
totally hungry now cause after practice use all the energy and so hungry hungry!!

my juicy vanisen

sista's lamb legs

mummy's chicken little

and daddy's lazanya and he already start eating already without me taking picture first!!

yum yum yum!!

my mocha smooties nice!!

sis coconut drink..when it arrive we sang the coconut song haha!!

bro's second round...crazy man..after 1 meal another...

when home with a full stomach and satisfied with a nice family meal ^^

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