Monday, September 13

heartbreak :'(

it was unexpected actually, i dint think it will happen so soon, it was out from the blue when u ask for a break up

yeah you are right it was a big shock for me

all i did was just to accept it i were having problem and stress because of me..i'm really sorry to cause all this problem to you. well officially we are no longer couples i guess your problem wont be as much as it was before.

as few months back you asked me a question saying that 做你的男朋友会辛苦吗?and i answer NO 
but i thought of asking you the same thing at that moment too 做你的女朋友会辛苦吗? i guess i finally got the answer from you and it was YES

sorry that i was selfish, childish and stubborn not to seeing you in suffer, not to seeing you in problems and all. i guess you were better off without me

my hearts says NO my brain says NO but my mouth say YES but as for TEMPORARY break ups surely will end up being an OFFICIALLY break ups better of getting hurt by now then later were it really hurts more.

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