Friday, September 23

1st day in uk

yo yo  wow today really woke up early man!! sleep at 2am and woke up at 6am just 4 hours of sleep
so tired and just got down from the plane hardly sleep on the plane and now just 4 hours of sleep
my head can be really headache and of cause my baggy eyes >.

off to get the early bus to leeds and to check out my faculty and you know what it's really awesome man!!
i love it there but there is just so windy!! wore jacket and scarf and jeans still not enough man!! not yet use to the cold air here and of cause it's just my first day hahaha...slowly may be it will be better soon ^^

walk around to settle my uni things and looking for place to stay..lunch time went to a Mexican restaurant and try out there burrito's i thought it will be next but instead it's just so so only cause there is rice in there and i don't like rice >.<

after that went shopping in primark seriously i love primark cheap and affordable
so in love with primark... saw this lovely pairs of piggy slipper wanted to buy but i already got 1 my self hahaha

dinner at carluccio's an italian restaurant and the speggetti meat ball 
i order was super awesome!!! super filling and the price is okay to me ^^

went back to birmingham at 10 something..was on the train for 2 hours and and i felt asleep cause i was so tired and woke up early to leeds tonight..came home took a bath and puff i'm sleeping already...^^ that's my first day ^^

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