Sunday, May 31

5.5 HSD rehearsal!! behind the scene...

our first main activity for the year of kick start every high school division student to know get expose more towards this Buddhism and to train them up to take up the reponsibility. every one work hard for it and trying to make it a very successful event...

our emcees..leading the rehearsal event

what are they looking at?

the committee is having fun..right?

section 3's question and answers time

our little sketch

bullies!! will you run?

go wei fang teacher..

choir or sketch leh?

oh no!! mong che got slap by jason?!!

our emcees are rehearsing their little little weird sketch..haha

sexy ain't they...haha nice butt

what is he doing?

wow lee fen giving lecture
concentrate ya!!

sing lee why so cool...
should say hi to the camera


our little group discussion

say cheese guys!!

gotcha!! haha

lee fen's committee group

cool pose guys!!

lee fen and me..

committee are having their finale prep

hey guys don sit help out

the four handsome dudes...hehe

what are you looking at son keong?

someone got sleepy already?

yo tan leng...

spot ya jin how..

now is lunch time and is definately hungry edi...morning din eat and wait til hungry...

everyone walking to the canteen and eat

what are they doing? watching fishes?

mee shan and en teng having dialogue

how effective everyone join into the group discussion

caught pei ling playing hand phone

danny giving speech?

someone got punish..doing pumping

their having their little games...

cool pose hui yang

behind the scene of the pic

our last review meet..
sing lee giving his comment

everyone is very focus on sing lee's speech

guo tong and yong seng

mee shan smelling her hair...haha

everyone is so tired for the rehearsal...but really thanks a lot to them for preparing this well guys...haha

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