Monday, May 4

to cherating we go..

hooray!!...finally able for holiday...with all the stress from college assignment finally get to rest during the holiday...woke up at 5 just to get ready and set of to my dad's office to wait for the bus...when we reach to the bus station no one was there til like 7:30 only there is people coming...we board the bus but still waiting for others to come...

this is the bus in sitting

my mom waiting in the bus and i took her picture

because of nothing to do in the bus...went and took some pictures

hehe...funny way of eating his breakfirst...

on the highway, we got stop many times for a so boring in the bus..there is movie to watch but is boring..haha once we reach to the resort everyone rush to the buffer for lunch because we were damn hnugry...haha


my dad and sis starting of with their appitiezer

after our lunch...we when to the beach for a was so so sunny i decide not to go for a swim....haha

my brother looking in to the deep see

my bro must be thinking "where is the wave..come take me.."

is water polo playing water polo..

aiming for the goal but he caught it first

is dinner time...this is the scenery from my room..nice?

after our dinner we have no where to go and my dad have his meeting, we play around at the pool side or at the beach taking photo...taking weird photos too...

haha...we were nuts at that time..

we went to the front of the resort and there was 4 or 5 cool big bikes there...the bikers weren't there so we 'curi-curi' take photos of the big bikes..'being a model' haha...

model of my sis with a big bike..pretty?

me with my white bike..hehe love the colour lots..

my mom and a red bike...the red bike is much cooler...

since when my sis ia a japanese?

me my mom and sis..hugs and kisses...

jie...what's with the face..should say cheese ma..
we wake up in the early morning around 6 or 7 to go for a walk on the beach..the breeze is so cooling and is cold..very very cold..haha my mom wake me up and rush me to go to the beach with sad it is...cant sleep well and let my mom wake me even before i felt asleep..haiz..haha

guess what is this..try to guess

found this cute little sea creature..and took it's photo..he is to shy to look at the camera...haha

look there it is...

saw a sibling holding something in his hand and there is a crad and a star fish that they found and pick it up..and they are letting it nice is mom call me to hurry up and took some photo before they let it go...this nasty crab is hard to been walking side ways when i wan to take it's picture..

it stand up firmly and i took it's picture..haha

that's the star's still alive u know..haha

look a circle star fish that my mom found..cute to..

after the beach we went for breakfirst...the breakfirst food is lame...doesn't compare to others hotel..and try to eat some of the bread pudding..the only thing that is nice...haiz..after that my dad have his team building game that he have to join so left back four of us left and we inprovise ourself to kill time...we saw some lock on the beach and thought about kung fu kid that we watch on tv...and that's what we do...haha

my sis doing one of the kung fu style..

my sis and me preparing to fight and see who felt..

i'm doing the crane and my sis doing the snake style...

my sis doing tai chi and other people were laughing at here...

"what are we pointhing at anyway?"

i went to took some picture of my dad and his officemates..

my dad the chief of his

other group imagination guys..

my dad's boss so hardworking...keep up the good work ya..

while my dad is preparing we went for a swim again..haha that's me and my bro..

my sis will be climbing the coconut tree like a monkey...let me know when u reach the top ya...

after the triab competition there will be a sand castle competition...every group have 2 whole hours to build the sand castle and there come out with this wonderful sculpture...congrats to everyone...

and my dad's group wow the first place for the sand castle..hooray..we have our bath and we went off for our seafood dinner at PAK SU's restaurant...during our dinnerwe saw some thunder strike and wanted to take some picture and it's too fast cant really capture it but only capture this...haiz..

on day three we din do much we just have our breakfirst and have some vollyball game and a swim den is off to kl again...

klcc during 7 or 8 pm...

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