Thursday, April 30

h@pPy B!rThd@Y $h@r0&!!

wow today class was a bit bored everyone just do their own job on the 3D max...we were so concentrated on the class we even dint hear what our lecturer say to us...haha lots of us will say "har?" after is talk...haha

after class i rush home to get ready shwu sian's present that i haven wrap it up...a cute little bear with a bareback that suits her very much..hehe sorry that i not really know ur size shwu sian but is small size..hope u can fit in it..hehe

shwu sian playing game..

we went to pyramid together with jian sunn and marcus to watch X-men just a normal movie like all blockbuster movie...we was thinking of watching the "uninvited" and shwu sian was like pushing here pushing there cos we don really want to see it...haha

after the movie we went to the arcade and play some game...we play the dancing game but we use hands to play it..haha it was my first time as well haha...don really know how to play keep seeing my college fren that there play lots of time but i don really know how to..ahaha..but i'm getting use to was fun..haha we went shopping later before going back...we brought some earing and hair clips..girls accessories..haha

we had fun at pyramid...and we will go again soon...PYRAMID HERE WE COME!! HAHA!!

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