Tuesday, April 21

shopping with fren

This afternoon decided to go pyramid to find present for my best friend cause her birthday is coming...when Bonita to buy some stuff and my friend call...
Then we went to the cinema to see what mo
vie is showing...Justin decided to watch FRIDAY THE 13th and i was like NO WAY DUDE!!..lets watch FAST AND FURIOUS 4
But at the ended he brought the tickets for FRIDAY THE 13th and i was thinking OH NO TONIGHT DEFINITELY CANT SLEEP ALL BECAUSE OF HIM CHOOSING THAT MOVIE!! haiz...

The movie is at 1:30pm we still have time so we went for lunch at WENDY'S..my first time at WENDY'S..seriously the burger there is much more nicer and tastier than MC DONALD'S even is a little expensive than MC DONALD'S but it's worth it..

my 100pus drink

Justin and his drink

our finished lunch

After lunch we when to see FRIDAY THE 13th...i close my eyes almost through out the whole movie..it's creepy and disgusting and scary as well...Justin keep laughing at me(so bad) cause i'm scared and always close my eyes-.-...after the movie we when shopping for present for my best friend birthday...look for so long cant find until i have a good idea of a present..hehe

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