Thursday, April 23

study? (not...we mostly chat) haha

Study?? neh...mostly we relax..
Morning we have class and we show our work to the lecturer...after that we start our work using 3D studio max and doing our segi ground floor was hard!!

the lecturer want it very details and like facing the computer for like 3 hours non eyes was like painful..haiz

After class went to beatrice house to continue our assignments...

there is beatrice in pink doing her assignment for 3D animation interior
keep up the good work!! gambateh beatrice

me updating my blog for others to see..hehe
and not doing work haha..

While she is doing her work i was a 2 timer doing my work and blogging at the same time..hehe..but mostly blogging..haha
Beatrice saw me blogging and we stop doing our work...we start going through other peoples blog and read them..haha..

we have a tea time later to rest after that we continue chatting until we don feel like doing our work anymore...haha we go through beatrice's wardrobe and play dreesing up..haha

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