Tuesday, May 12

my shooting day!!

monday was the shooting day!! and i was so nervous about it...i woke up 7 just to get prepare for the shoot and try not to make any mistake while doing the shoot...i went to college before 9 just to make sure to be there early...

we start our shoot at 10 to wait for the actors and actress to get ready...we have done our first few scene shoot til 12 and we have our lunch...we have nasi goreng ayam for lunch..

wow..so messy at our table

Jonathan holding his lunch box

our gadgets for the shoot

what are they looking for?

omg?! is that zoenna?

messy messy table..

after our lunch we continue our shoots...our next shoot is at the lift...we been hogging the lift for so long...and everyone saw having fun with it..haha..some of us were tired and exhausted during the shoot...some of them felt a sleep and some were playing their phone to not get bored...

we were hogging the lift til it sounds haha

the actress went down with the lift went the door close...

jonathan was waiting for them to come back up

actress was having her break

niva was on the phone most of the time...din do her work much

he is still waiting

omg?! who took my photo?

jonathan with his camera move

hui ling is running away for zoenna 'the ghost'

what is billy thinking?

we have many scene to shot and everyone is happy and giving out ideas for the shoot...next is the toilet scene...and we have lots of ideas coming in that don even know which to choose from...we have finish all our scene for out movie and finally is a wrap!!

the cast of the our production

from the right jonathan the camera man, christine our art director
hui ling our actress, zoenna 'the ghost',
billy our producer and actor at the same time
finally me, the director...

say cheese everyone!!!

will post up the video soon after i have edit it...thanks for supporting

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