Sunday, October 24


reach home safe and sound after walking home for almost 1hour feets are killing me i cant stand or walk feets is totally killing me...sinyee drop me and shah alam the stores near the bp petrol station..i start my journey near kota kemuning KFC there and walk all the way back home...passes by highway with lots of cars...under the bridge and back to the busy road at HICOM there and walk back to USJ13!! non- stop walking walking and walking...reach home safe and sound because of the daimoku that i'm been chanting when i start my journey!! chant and chant and chant!! walk for 1 hour and 10minutes and i've been chanting for 1 hour and 10 minutes...AWESOME RIGHT!! cool i dint know i can do that..BUT I DID COOL!!! 

the story was finish my meeting for the 4th GM and it was like was calling to hurry back cause they are going for dinner but since i wont be back that early i ask them to go ahead and dont need to da pao for me..i lied to them i say i have eaten..I DONT WANT THEM TO WORRY SO THATS WHAT I DID..i also lied to sinyee..BABE I'M SORRY I DIN'T WANT TO LIED BUT I HAVE NO CHOICE I'M SORRY BABE WILL YOU EVER FORGIVE ME??...well i did ask 'HIM' whether he can fetch me a not..the respond i get was.."YOU NOT SAY YOU WALK BACK MEH??"

and that time was late around 7:40pm so i thought he can but after hearing what he heart totally break and i just BANG THROUGH WITH IT AND ASK SINYEE TO FETCH ME THERE..later on i recieve a message from him saying "YOU NOT SAY YOU WALKING BACK NOW YOU SAY YOU AT KAIKAN" my heart can say it just stop a beat but i also just bang my head through only and told him "NEVER MIND I FOUND TRANSPORT ALREADY"

and i lied to him...i just had to..i dont want because of me to disturb him with his assignment and i know his is having stress with it and working on weishan's new shop i lessen his burdent..SORRY THAT I LIED I DIN'T WANT TO BUT I HAVE NO CHOICE!!and i ask sinyee to sent me to kota kemuning there the KFC further up and ask her to drop me there..and thats how i start my journey!! WEE ^^

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