Friday, February 4

reunion dinner

happy chinese new year ppl!!
it's a year of the rabbit and feels that it will be very cute year ^^
tonight will be our family reunion dinner same as every year
my dad will be the chef and my mom will be the co-cheft ^^

while my mom was cleaning up the chicken and found some eggs in it...

took this from the new and fake pant in the living room

PEACH!!! but fake hahaha

guess what is it?? is santan

while dad is busy cooking me will be taking photo around haha

some oranges for gohonzon ^^
dishes that my dad made^^

all types of mushroom my favourite ^^

steam chicken everyday will be having the same thing...

steam fish...they call it 猪版 haha

a simple but many dishes reunion dinner

a lovely white wine to go with the fish

everyone happy eating lots of laughter to it as well

after dinner woohooo!!!
fireworks time!!

a 8 feet long fire cracker to play with ^^

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