Monday, May 30

sweetness in the beach

while listening to bruno mars the last song i encounter 1 of my friend sharing a link on fb i just have to click it...aint they look sweet together ^^

selena gomez justin bieber pda pair 05

justin bieber holding selena gomez on his hips and gives her a kiss
aww thats sweet  ♥

Sunday, May 29

S-sing in pyramid

after the convo ceremony my daddy dear drove me to pyramid to have a outing with simon
and we watched PAUL!! hahahaha the movie starts at 5.30 so me and cass walk around for some
window shopping lol hahha ^^ i was kinda a tired and thirsty so i suggest me sit for a while
and rest to both of us are tired due to waking up so early hahahaha

is pictures time!!

cass is camera shy???!! No way man!!

Friday, May 27


went to pyramid today with cass suppose to buy present for wee wei's wedding
but in the end i was shopping couldn't resist the temptation hahaha
walk around was thinking of having something to drink and we came across chattime
new store in pyramid haha..things are affortable and the best thing is IT'S HEALTHY!!

looks at the crowd lots of people lining up just for the drink ^^

3545 in a day..where such store get 3545 customer in a day, or like a few hours?

tada our pearl milk tea hahaha!! awesome they gives lots pearl
and they are much nicer than summits

cass having her drink and chatted haha thats why call chattime
after shop again and chat and shop!!

Wednesday, May 25

chocolate cake!

OMG!!! seriously chocolate cake is the most heaven food of all!! the smell of it when it comes out from the oven FRESH BAKED CHOCOLATE CAKE!! it just melt your heart and your saliva just automatically runs down, your eyes go wide, and your in a stated of hunger and animality..that you will do anything to get your hands on that fresh baked chocolate cake hahaha..

if there is such delicious cake in the house this means WAR!! war between the family to get their tastebuds touch that cake!! is like going to have world war III between me and my brother cause we are the worse and the most chocolate favourite fans in the family hahahaha...

eaten this molten choclate cake in san fransico steak house in ipoh
ah! the lovely lava chocolate just runs down the cake!! ^^

and eaten this molten chocolate cake at CHILIS with my dear gwen when we
are celebrating our second year friends anniversary together and we got the jobs we want
and also our first anniversary for our online shop hahaha

i'm so gonna go back there to have this molten chocolate cake to treat myself as a graduation present!! hahaha


yeah my new PICTURE!!
taken from kitchen fitting room hahah!!
went out that day with the BFF's gang haha..
and i took this picture with the dress i felt in love with
and it's like RM69 for it, vomit blood lo
come support me at!/pages/Joanne-Photography/202123329821647

thanks a lot for your support !

Tuesday, May 24


how can you just say you not coming it's been bloody weeks!!!


can't you just take that bloody responsibility and just share the previous meet you are like so in to telling how F***ing how great was the buddhism and now you just back out by saying 'I'M NOT GOING FOR MEETING AND ASK ME TO FIND A SOMEONE TO PARTNER WITH ME' what a last minute thing WHY THE BLOODY HELL YOU CANT TAKE THE F***ING RESPONSIBILITY!!!! YOU FREAK!!

seriously man so what the bloody hell is ur first's my first time too!! why cant you learn why cant you share!!?? so hard to share is it..taking all big during the meet and to people in the end you are just A IRRESPONSIBLE, BIG MOUTH FREAK!!...

tahan you for so long, i just cant tahan you any more!! being all gentle and nice you, you are just A BLOODY KID!!! ACTING ALMIGHTY BUT YOU ARE JUST A KID!! YOU ARE NOT EVEN AN ADULT YOU ARE MORE WORSE THAN A KID!! i seriously cant tahan you man!!


It's Me (Cassie)

model: Cassie

location: kota keminung park
theme: summer
photographer: Joanne Lew

Monday, May 23
















第1名 天蝎座
第2名 巨蟹座
第3名 狮子座




Saturday, May 21

Awesome videos!!

The Wanted - Gold forever

seriously while seeing their video..i laugh through out the video
they are so cute, funny and acting dumb lol...hahahaha
cant stop laughing watching it almost more than a few times

Beyoncé - Run The World (Girls)

damn!! beyonce really can move her body!! damn flexible leh!!
i wish i can move like that..every since i hurt my back i cant even do a bridge sad wei!!!

The Saturdays - Work

the sexy babes!! love their song better than spice girls so TOTALLY BETTER!!

Friday, May 20

♥ 520 ♥

yes people today is the day we spread our love MAY 20th!! ♥ 520 ♥ as chinese people translate..

5 = 我 = I
2 = 爱 = LOVE
0 = 你 = YOU

well spread it to your love ones and family by saying I LOVE YOU!! hahaha

I LOVE YOU!! to my readers, family, friends and you know who you are hahahaha....

Thursday, May 19

May 16th, the day i remembered (finally got the courage to post this up)

Ah here it is, it's today!! the day where it all started,
it's the day where it all begins, the day where everything is so in love...

No wonder i'm having the feeling of going to the beach,
No wonder i have the feeling of watching the sunsets,
No wonder i have the feeling of seeing you once more and hold you tight,

1 year had past and i remembered this day very well, all my first time i've done with you,
the first time having a 1 day trip with you,
the first time going to the beach with you,
the first time feeling the sea breeze together,
the first time taking pictures with you at the beach,
the first time eating BBQ with you at the beach,
the first time we swim together,
the first time we sit back to back together,
the first time we ate watermelon together,
the first time eating watermelon together while taking pictures,
the first time we play monkey ball (end up i become the monkey),
the first time we sneak in to the swimming pool to swim,
the first time we stay in the sea,
the first time we watch sunset together
the first time YOU hold my Hand

and thats the first time i annouce to myself that your my boy friend
(WOW thats plenty of first time lol)

memorise are just memorise..cant bring back to reality..
past is the past...cant bring it to present
future is the future..i cant bring to present
and all i have to do is to keep myself strong and not fall again
better things are awaits me in the future

thanks for the lovely memorise that you have printed in my heart,
thanks for the lovely memorise that you have walk through with me,
you have gave me the lovely experience i had,
you made me changed,
all i need to do now it's to be strong to move forward (and so do you)

May 16, 2011
Ju Ann

Tuesday, May 17

being emo




我会记得 T.T


The iPhone Fashion Shoot

The iPhone Fashion Shoot

dont complain that using a lousy camera cant get the awesome picture this proof to you guys!! watch it!!
even a IPHONE 3GS can pull it off!!

The iPhone Fashion Shoot - Lee Morris Shoots With The 3GS Fstoppers from FStoppers on Vimeo.

Monday, May 16

city vintage

yeah yeah uploaded new album!! check it out!! hehehehe

model: Ashley Ker
location: klcc park, bukit bintang
theme: vintage
photographer: Joanne Lew

click on the picture for more photos ya ^^
interested to have your own budget photoshoot post on our wall and will reply you asap ^^

Sunday, May 15

It's really Agape...Alright ^^

i love shopping a lot especially for fashion shoes!! but the thing is i cant find fashion shoes that are really super fashion in the shopping mall. But there is when i saw this online blogshop

name Agape Boutique i seriously felt in LOVE with the shoes their selling!!

a bit posing with my favourite shoe i brought from them hahaha

they really meet my expectation!! the heels it just high enough, fashion enough, comfy enough and the best of all IT'S TOTALLY AFFORTABLE MAN!!'s really great doing business with them..i just love their shoes keep on buying their shoes non stop hahahahaha ^^

i'm definately their fan for shoes hahaha..and definately going to back there to buy more shoes hahaha ^^

Saturday, May 14

updated portfolio

new album LUST

hey readers finally i have update my port folio of my photography works
hope you like them ^^

come and like my page as well at




Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull

Boyzone - Baby Can I Hold You Tonight

i'm so in love with this song!! simple, classy and meaningful!!

"i’m sorry,"
It’s all that you can say
Years gone by and still
Words don’t come easily
Like "sorry" (like "sorry" "sorry"..)
"forgive me,"
Is all that you can say
Years gone by and still
Words don’t come easily
Like "forgive me" ("forgive me"..."forgive me"..)
Forgive me..

But you can say, baby
Baby can I hold you tonight?
Baby, if I told you the right words
Oooh, at the right time
You’ll be mine

I love you
Is all that you can say
Years gone by and still
Words don’t come easily (words don’t come easily..)
Like "i love you", I love you..

But you can say, baby
Baby can I hold you tonight?
Baby, if I told you the right words
Oooh, at the right time
You’ll be mine

(baby can I hold you...)
But you can say, baby
Baby can I hold you tonight?
Baby, if I told you the right words
Oooh, at the right time
You’ll be mine

(baby, if I hold you..)
(baby, can I hold you..) you’ll be mine..
(baby if I told you..)
(baby, can I hold you..)
You’ll be mine..
(baby if I told you..)
Baby, can I hold you.

Friday, May 13










Thursday, May 12


1) 当一个男的真的不喜欢你时,他绝不会主动发 信息或者打电话给你,因为他不想你。

2) 当一个男的真不喜欢你时,他看到你心情不好,就绝不会来安慰你,如果你对他发脾气,你就over了。

3) 当一个男的真 的不喜欢你时,他绝不会在乎你的一举一动,因为你在他的心里只是nothing。

4) 当一个男的真的不喜欢你而是爱上别的女生的时候,他会时不时的注意你身 边的女生,还会当着你的面和那个女生做一些暧昧的动作,因为他根本当你不存在。

5) 最后一条,当一个男生真的不喜欢你的时候,他的FB就算一直挂着,可是他 不是等的你,而是在游戏或和别的女生聊天,你就算上线N次,他都不会和你聊的,至于进进空间什么的多半是他点错了,或是闲得无聊。如果你喜欢的人做到这其 中的两点或两点以上,那么恭喜你,你应该找别人了。也许你真的喜欢他,但是没有用的,不会有好的结果的。看到此日志的朋友转载到自己的日志里,三天内就能 得到心爱的人

Wednesday, May 11


天蝎到底是太懂爱,还是太不懂爱,这似乎没那么容易分辨,如果懂,为什么会常常心痛的无法呼吸,也逼着对方心碎,如果不懂,又为什么可以不顾一切的爱到底,甚至到了疯狂的地步,也许,正如天蝎给爱情取的名字一样,极度,一旦踏上了不可以回头,如果对方无法给予同等的爱,他们就会将极度的爱转为极度的恨,是的,只有这两种 情感 ,因为没办法把所爱的人当作是生命中的匆匆过客。

Tuesday, May 10


the feeling is just like this...


Sunday, May 8

i'm ME!!





doesn't mean i born on the same date doesn't mean i'm her!!
doesn't mean when i was small my doings are same as her doesn't mean i'm her!!
doesn't mean what i done doesn't mean i'm her!!




Taylor Swift - Breathe ft. Colbie Caillat

Taylor Swift - Breathe ft. Colbie Caillat

I see your face in my mind as I drive away,

Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way.
People are people,
And sometimes we change our minds.
But its killing me to see you go after all this time.

Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm

Music starts playin like the end of a sad movie,
Its the kinda ending you dont really wanna see.
Cause its tragedy and itll only bring you down,
Now I dont know what to be without you around.

And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, noone here to save me.
Youre the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt.
Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.
But people are people,
And sometimes it doesnt work out,
Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.

And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, no one here to save me.
Youre the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

Its two a.m.
Feelin' like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know its not easy,
Easy for me.
Its two a.m.
Feelin like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know this aint easy,
Easy for me.

And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, noone here to save me.


I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

Sorry (oh) Sorry (mmm)
Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)
Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)

day by day

day by day
i slowly letting you go

weeks by weeks
i slowly forget the feeling i had for you

months by month
i slowly keep the memories in my heart

as time pass by my feeling towards you grow rapidly even more


it's crucial to forget some one especially you know that some one 
it's crucial to ignore some one especially you always see that some one
it's crucial to bluff yourself especially you know to the truth
it's crucial to torture yourself especially you know your feeling towards some one


yesterday it was sing lee 21st birthday celebration, and we were all invite to his party, as i know i was delighted and happy to go for his party, everyone i know was there, even you. as the time to play him for hist 21st, i saw you, you were wearing grey from top to bottom, looking all handsome as always, looking like the first time i saw you in ah ben's birthday party and foo ming's party as well.

it just hit me in the head, the whole situation during yesterday night, almost the same situation we had during the first time we meet at ah ben's birthday and foo ming as well, yesterday night it was the night that all the memories i kept in bottom of my heart, in the bottom of my memories it just flow out one by one, every single moments together it just burst out while drinking the carlsbreg mouth by mouth T.T it was sad, but the friends around were laughing and enjoying themself make those memories in to a happy one, now i understand that enviroment really does effect us.

Wednesday, May 4

summer glaze

hey guys i have upload new album of my works

thanks for your support ^^

Album title: SUMMER GLAZE <3

model: clarissa chek

theme: summer
location: kota kemuning park
photographer: joanne lew

P.S: click on the photo to view entire album thanks ^^

Tuesday, May 3

movie screening (THOR)

just so randomly that i was offing my lappie and going to get some rest cause i was sleepy just about to go in to the bed, sueh ling called me asking wanna go pyramid to hangout a not..i was so curious that why will they come all the way to pyramid but they can just go bukit tinggi instead hahaha...but i'm TOTALLY GLAD THEY CALL ME!!! THANKS YOU GUYS!!

so i went to pyramid with the babes and dudes ^^ sueh ling, lee yen, hooi min, jia wei, sing lee, and soon keong ^^ dint know what to do and out of the bloom we decide to go watch movie and thanks to sueh ling we choose the right movie!! we watched THOR!! was hilarious and the 3d animation was awesome the colour blend so nicely...i was watching behalf of a camera man and as an was superb!! everything now is 3d style hahaha...

for sunway it's super expensive la >.
i just cant forget this phrase 'we got xena, jackie chan and robin hood.' SO SUPER EPIC LA!! HAHAHAHA

the babes taking photo while jia wei changing haha
went to kitchen as well to accompany jia wei to shop for her formal dress for monday's 5.3 leaders meet where we need to wear formal and it's a biggiest meeting where due to everything was restructure....i got shock that it was serious for the leaders have to wear totally formal..but i dont have formal outfit >.< all i need to do now is mix and match ^^

Sunday, May 1

july 30 and april 30

just think back...and recently i dont know why when there is a aim i'm aiming for always have to do with you and OR MAY BE it's just coincident only...

LAST year JULY 30, 2010, i was aiming to get my baby fi-fi0, for my assignments, for my hobby in photography and because of my bro is performing and also because of you that you're performing, that i brought my fi-fi0 for the soka meet..the process of getting my fi-fi0 that time is really hard and suffering were i fasting not to eat (is a biggie) , not to buy too many clothes (no biggie),  not to go anywhere (no biggie) just to get my fi-fi0 for you, for my family, and for my assignments and of cause for my DREAMS...

and in the end i brough fi-fi0 just the day before the performance, i was in pyramid and texted to you that i brought fi-fi0 already and you were shocked due to the price of fi-fi0, that also because of my parents support and the first time buying such an expensive and percious item for me ^^ that time being with you gives me lots of goal and dreams i wanna achieve them so badly...and most of the goals and dream I REALLY HAD ACHIEVE THEM!!! through chanting and my own human revolution as well...

NOW APRIL 30, 2011, i was also aiming to get a new lens for myself because i become so in love with photography and wanna improve my works and my dream to a documentary of soka gakkai and sensei as well, but my sis insist me to buy a flash first to make the picture looks richer and more natural so i dont have to edit so much for a picture, and i also was aiming to get a flash before 1st of may to shoot the performance as well...

it's such an coincident that every time i wanna upgrade my camera also have you in coincident, you and my camera really have faith together hahaha (i brought fi-fi0 because of you as well)...i was so worried that i dint get my new baby markII before 1st of may, cause my aim of getting it was before 1st of may and eventually with the works i gone through also with the stop buying clothes and stop going out and the saving money and also the support from my sis (love you so much) pays off, i actually got my baby markII before 1st of may ^^

i wished you all the best to you and do take care of yourself, reading what you write really makes me worried about you, dint you know that you were skinnier that before, dint you eat well?? sleep late every night due to assignments?? running up and down due to gakkai activities?? for some reason is definately due to assignments (stress), gakkai activities, and your biggest problem financial ( i really hopes it solve as soon as possible) so you wont be stressing for this times i thought of boiling some hot herber tea for you for your health, at times i really wannted to ask you have you taken your meals proper?? at times i really wanna remind you to remember to drink water, due to that you always forgot to have some water when you were to concentrate on doing your things

i know i cant do much now, as a friend i really hope you do take care of yourself!! i know you wont show what you felt, or that your sick to people, always keeping inside and never tell, expecting people to know just like that, may be just may be you could share out, show out at times...i'm doing my human revolution now and is of cause definately hard but i'm still doing it for the sake of myself and my family, friends and all..i know you are doing it too...LET US STRIVE OUR VERY BEST, I WISHED YOU ALL THE BEST!!!!