Sunday, May 1

july 30 and april 30

just think back...and recently i dont know why when there is a aim i'm aiming for always have to do with you and OR MAY BE it's just coincident only...

LAST year JULY 30, 2010, i was aiming to get my baby fi-fi0, for my assignments, for my hobby in photography and because of my bro is performing and also because of you that you're performing, that i brought my fi-fi0 for the soka meet..the process of getting my fi-fi0 that time is really hard and suffering were i fasting not to eat (is a biggie) , not to buy too many clothes (no biggie),  not to go anywhere (no biggie) just to get my fi-fi0 for you, for my family, and for my assignments and of cause for my DREAMS...

and in the end i brough fi-fi0 just the day before the performance, i was in pyramid and texted to you that i brought fi-fi0 already and you were shocked due to the price of fi-fi0, that also because of my parents support and the first time buying such an expensive and percious item for me ^^ that time being with you gives me lots of goal and dreams i wanna achieve them so badly...and most of the goals and dream I REALLY HAD ACHIEVE THEM!!! through chanting and my own human revolution as well...

NOW APRIL 30, 2011, i was also aiming to get a new lens for myself because i become so in love with photography and wanna improve my works and my dream to a documentary of soka gakkai and sensei as well, but my sis insist me to buy a flash first to make the picture looks richer and more natural so i dont have to edit so much for a picture, and i also was aiming to get a flash before 1st of may to shoot the performance as well...

it's such an coincident that every time i wanna upgrade my camera also have you in coincident, you and my camera really have faith together hahaha (i brought fi-fi0 because of you as well)...i was so worried that i dint get my new baby markII before 1st of may, cause my aim of getting it was before 1st of may and eventually with the works i gone through also with the stop buying clothes and stop going out and the saving money and also the support from my sis (love you so much) pays off, i actually got my baby markII before 1st of may ^^

i wished you all the best to you and do take care of yourself, reading what you write really makes me worried about you, dint you know that you were skinnier that before, dint you eat well?? sleep late every night due to assignments?? running up and down due to gakkai activities?? for some reason is definately due to assignments (stress), gakkai activities, and your biggest problem financial ( i really hopes it solve as soon as possible) so you wont be stressing for this times i thought of boiling some hot herber tea for you for your health, at times i really wannted to ask you have you taken your meals proper?? at times i really wanna remind you to remember to drink water, due to that you always forgot to have some water when you were to concentrate on doing your things

i know i cant do much now, as a friend i really hope you do take care of yourself!! i know you wont show what you felt, or that your sick to people, always keeping inside and never tell, expecting people to know just like that, may be just may be you could share out, show out at times...i'm doing my human revolution now and is of cause definately hard but i'm still doing it for the sake of myself and my family, friends and all..i know you are doing it too...LET US STRIVE OUR VERY BEST, I WISHED YOU ALL THE BEST!!!!

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