Sunday, May 8

day by day

day by day
i slowly letting you go

weeks by weeks
i slowly forget the feeling i had for you

months by month
i slowly keep the memories in my heart

as time pass by my feeling towards you grow rapidly even more


it's crucial to forget some one especially you know that some one 
it's crucial to ignore some one especially you always see that some one
it's crucial to bluff yourself especially you know to the truth
it's crucial to torture yourself especially you know your feeling towards some one


yesterday it was sing lee 21st birthday celebration, and we were all invite to his party, as i know i was delighted and happy to go for his party, everyone i know was there, even you. as the time to play him for hist 21st, i saw you, you were wearing grey from top to bottom, looking all handsome as always, looking like the first time i saw you in ah ben's birthday party and foo ming's party as well.

it just hit me in the head, the whole situation during yesterday night, almost the same situation we had during the first time we meet at ah ben's birthday and foo ming as well, yesterday night it was the night that all the memories i kept in bottom of my heart, in the bottom of my memories it just flow out one by one, every single moments together it just burst out while drinking the carlsbreg mouth by mouth T.T it was sad, but the friends around were laughing and enjoying themself make those memories in to a happy one, now i understand that enviroment really does effect us.

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