Wednesday, June 29

a Bridesmaid Heels??

here i go again...blogging my fashion killer heels that i brought from agape again hahaha
muahahahahahahahahah...i can just say she totally got my support of buying off her fashion shoes!!

seriously, a person like me is so picky and i can actually find the shoes i want through her!!
agape i love you so much la...u provide the shoes i desire so much!! give a hug and a round of applause to you!!!! HUGS ANS KISSES HAHAHAHA

brought this shoe for my friends wedding and she ask me to be her bridesmaid >.<
gosh and it came to me that i dont have any heels to go with the cheong sam
and i look on to agape's website and i saw this shoe!!!...and lucky is ready stock
hurry and grab it off her closet and wore it on that day..

IT WAS HIGH alright!! when i wore that shoe i feel like i'm absoluely tall!! and comfy too!!..
the platform it's not that low as i thought it would be and
best of all the strips covered most of my feet where it does look big at all
and hey it's a totally reasonable price where, i saw this shoe almost the same at a shopping mall
and it cost around RM100 over AIKS....

lucky there is agape there to save the day!! GO AGAPE!!

Sunday, June 26

Love You Like A Love Song

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Love You Like A Love Song

It's been said and done
Every beautiful thought's been already sung
And I guess right now here's another one
So your melody will play on and on, with best we own
You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible
A center full of miracle, lyrical
You've saved my life again
And I want you to know baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat

Cursing me, boy you played through my mind like a symphony
There's no way to describe what you do to me
You just do to me, what you do
And it feels like I've been rescued
I've been set free
I am hyptonized by your destiny
You are magical, lyrical, beautiful
You are...I want you to know baby

Shhhhh ;-X

 Justin Bieber - That Should Be Me ft. Rascal Flatts



Everybody's laughing in my mind,
Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy,
Do you do what you did when you
did with me?
Does he love you the way I can?
Did you forget all the plans
that you made with me?
'cause baby I didn't!

That should be me,
Holdin' your hand,
That should be me
Makin' you laugh,
That should be me,
This is so sad,
That should be me,
That should be me,
That should be me,
Feelin' your kiss,
That should be me,
Buyin' you gifts,
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
Till you believe that,
That should be me


That should be me,
You said you needed a little time
For my mistakes,
It's funny how you used that time
To have me replaced,
Did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies
Whatcha doin' to me,
You're takin' him where we used to go,
Now if you're tryin' to break my heart,
It's working 'cause you know that,...

That should be me,
Holdin' your hand,
That should be me,
Makin' you laugh,
That should be me,
This is so sad,
That should be me,
That should be me,
That should be me,
Feelin' your kiss,
That should be me ,
Buyin' you gifts,
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
Till you believe that,
That should be me

I need to know should I fight
For our love for this long
It's getting harder to shield
This pain in my heart!!!

That should be me,
Holdin' your hand,
That should be me,
Makin' you laugh,
That should be me,
This is so sad,
That should be me,
That should be me,
That should be me,
Feelin' your kiss,
That should be me,
Buyin' you gifts,
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
Till you believe that,
That should be me,
Holding your hand,
That should be me,
Oh i makin you laugh, oh Baby,
That should be me,
(that should be me givin you flowers)
That should be me,
Talking by hours,that should be me, that should be me,
that should be me

Never should've let you go,!
I never should've let you go,!
That should be me!! <3
Never should've let you go
That should be me!!<3

Friday, June 24

I see You ♥~

just close your eyes and listen to this touches deeply...see the enviroment through mother natures eyes, throught people eyes who are suffering, they were even more greatfully than us...

so what we have cars, money, clothes, things that we desire, all this doesn't matter, as i know watching AVATAR, it really teachers me to save mother nature, war heads is not the answer to settle each desire of the country, PEACE MAN PEACE!!! wanna know more about peace read ikeda sensei's peace proposal

go to this link read them understand them!!

I see you

I see you

Walking through a dream
I see you
My light in darkness breathing hope of new life
Now I live through you and you through me
I pray in my heart that this dream never ends

I see me through your eyes
Living through life flying high
Your life shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
I live through your love

You teach me how to see
All that’s beautiful
My senses touch your word I never pictured
Now I give my hope to you
I surrender
I pray in my heart that this world never ends

I see me through your eyes
Living through life flying high

Your love shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life
I offer my love, for you
When my heart was never open
(and my spirit never free)
To the world that you have shown me
But my eyes could not division
All the colours of love and of life ever more

(I see me through your eyes)
I see me through your eyes
(Living through life flying high)
Flying high
Your love shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
And live through your love
And live through your life

I see you
I see you

Thursday, June 23

treat to myself 1#

TREAT 1 # when shopping in sg wang..and i saw this leather jacket
seeling for like RM32..i just cant resist to buy it...damn it's CHEAP!!!

Wednesday, June 22

trip to the sea!!

trip to the sea with the BFF!!

i guess it's time


i guess it time to let go, dragging it for so long and it's really heavy, the rock behind my back, the sack hanging from my heart, it's just to heavy.....

everyday i been doing my prayers from day til night, non will just drop from my body, unless I TOLD MYSELF TO LET GO!! only it will let go....

if not i will never it let go, never see my real side again, where i use to be, one person doing the things i like being free dont have to wear a mask to have people...

even my closes friend giving me complains on why am i wearing a mask to face everything, why cant i just face it like i use to - the old me, making her worry all the time, telling me the more i do this the more i got hurt...


is not i want to, it just so hard to let go, i know there is so many things i dont know, being stubborn and not to realise it that the situation that the answer is just right infront of me...

may be i just need to get hit by something or get scolding by someone just to realise it, can say that sometimes i can be very thick...

may be i dont want to realise it, just to hide it, so i wont get hurt even more, dint you know scropio they dont wanna to see the things that hurt them they rather hide them, doesn't what to share the burden keeping all to them self...

任賢齊 - 心太軟

i heard this song when we got back from the trip and it really really hit me i sang and i cry in the car, no want notice (thats good) if not they will be so worry about me and i dont want that to happen

the lyrics was so clear and easy to understand and it really really deep down it touches me, i really need to let go, stop playing tricks to my head and just JUST LET IT GO!!!

Tuesday, June 21

Monday, June 20





















請給他一個 180度的轉身 ... ...

Thursday, June 16

one STEP at a time

my all time favourite heels!!...
the second shoe i brought from agape..and you know WHAT??!!

love the design simple but yet wild hahaha..not to high not too low

just right to take it to the dance floor ^^ and i actually did muahahahahaha the first time i went dancing with my babes i ACTUALLY wore this awesome lovely pairs of shoes just nice it's comfortable, i assure you...cause i dance the whole night with it my leg weren't in pain or tired..i can actually continue to dance on the floor haha it was lovely even the price was affortable...

tell me where on earth will u get a affortable price, a comfortable shoe and such fashion shoes...well definately u can get in shopping malls but hey those are expensive man!!!! i cant affort them la

As for AGAPE!! woohooo!! i'm totally gonna buy ur shoes!!...actually I DID!! hahahaha
just waiting for them to arrive!! hahahahaha

F*** to the max!!!

i just hate myself!!! why do i need to get stab by a hurtful message to see something so obvious just to realise it that is not worth!!! WTH is wrong with me!!


F*** IT!!!


Wednesday, June 15


紀文惠 怎麼啦

窗外下著雨 心情低落的插曲

咖啡廳 你一整晚都好安靜

感情受傷了 感覺就快要窒息
我聽見 那心痛的聲音


怎麼啦 怎麼啦 你都不說話
怎麼啦 多難過都會陪你一起撐過啊
那傷人的謊話 就忘了就算了

怎麼啦 怎麼啦 還在想著他
還愛他 嘲笑你不顧一切愛的有多傻
當計畫輸給了變化 就代表他不是對的他

窗外雨停了 眼淚也該收好了
我陪你 去吃飯逛街看电影

過去讓他去 反正明天很靠近
不再看 他回覆的訊息

怎麼啦 怎麼啦 還在想著他
原諒他把過去放下 對的人在某處等你啊


我想保護妳 但 我算什麼 要努力愛妳 我 能做什麼
這世界 很美麗 很無情 煩惱很多 讓我給妳 快樂生活

吹了風 受了凍 往前走 為了夢 忘了痛 妳等我
好幾年為了這個原因 不去看旁邊的事情

大馬路 斑馬線走呀走 一口氣 一場雨 沒關係
讓我背著一身妳的愛情 請你跟我一起走

我只是愛妳愛妳 我只是愛妳愛妳 我是妳小小螞蟻
帶妳翻山越嶺 我常常 睡不好 吃不好 但是開心
我不會改變方向的 只想成為妳身邊的衛兵

灰色小雨裡 我 沒怕什麼 白色大雪裡 我 沒有退後
我穿我 黑色的 隱身衣 為愛努力 現在的我 覺得快樂

吹了風 受了凍 往前走 為了夢 忘了痛 妳等我
好幾年為了這個原因 不去看旁邊的事情

大馬路 斑馬線走呀走 一口氣 一場雨 沒關係
讓我背著一身妳的愛情 請你跟我一起走

我只是愛妳愛妳 我只是愛妳愛妳 我是妳小小螞蟻
帶妳翻山越嶺 我常常 睡不好 吃不好 但是開心
我不會改變方向的 只想成為妳身邊的衛兵

我不是蜜蜂一眨眼 飛到天空 也不喜歡說大話 做著白日夢
認真做自己 是唯一我的工作 天熱又天冷都無所謂 因為愛妳

愛妳愛妳 我只是愛妳愛妳 我是妳小小螞蟻 帶妳翻山越嶺
我常常 睡不好 吃不好 但是開心 我不會改變方向的 只想成為妳身邊的衛兵



OMG!!! 張敬軒罕­有性感的一面

i cant believe 張敬軒 actually shot this kind of video hahahahaha but not him on the bed with the girl during the insert shots also hahaa....

我 在杯中擺好戒指
香檳 起泡祝賀
你 換了性感的舞衣
弱質纖纖呼出一句 陪我

黑絲襪 你多麼誘人
或者婚姻都不可能 留住你一生
香水味 你多麼過份
調製慾望令我 愛上你基因

和你漆黑之中且戰 在最緊張一刻且退
注射 終生的愛情 身體中寄居

愛 是否一種興奮劑
抽搐 尖叫 出汗
我 誓要愛得很徹底
窒息之間捉緊一刹 狂放

飾演著 幻想的對象
月黑風高瘋戀一場 無謂太緊張
憧憬著 幸福的肖像
遊戲浪漫現場 浪漫後要認賬

和你漆黑之中且戰 在最緊張一刻且退
注射 終生的愛情 身體中寄居

是否應該早點出世 令你身份揮之不去
去吧 不管女或男 青春的壯舉

Monday, June 13

5.5 HSD Meet

It's the time again where all high school friends get together and learn...
It's the time again where we sweat and run and have fun and mainly is to LEARN!!
It's the time where we get inspire by others!!


more photos at


Thursday, June 9

Tuesday, June 7

♥ quotes

The courage to challenge and triumph over one's limitations is what defines a victor. The door to victory opens onl when one gains control over their own tendencies towards weakness, cowardice, laziness, avoidance and resignation. By bravely training oneself and making an earnest effort while young, a person can build a strong, unshakeable foundation for victory in life, upon which they can construct a great bastion of HUMAN REVOLUTION.

Monday, June 6

Mario - let me love you

Mario - let me love you

Baby I just don't get it
Do you enjoy being hurt?
I know you smelled the perfume, the make-up on his shirt
You don't believe his stories
You know that they're all lies
Bad as you are, you stick around and I just don't know why

If I was ya man (baby you)
Never worry bout (what I do)
I'd be coming home (back to you)
Every night, doin' you right
You're the type of woman (deserves good thangs)
Fistful of diamonds (hand full of rings)
Baby you're a star (I just want to show you, you are)

You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you
Your true beauty's description looks so good that it hurts
You're a dime plus ninety-nine and it's a shame
Don't even know what you're worth
Everywhere you go they stop and stare
Cause you're bad and it shows
From your head to your toes, Out of control, baby you know

If I was ya man (baby you)
Never worry bout (what I do)
I'd be coming home (back to you)
Every night doin' you right
You're the type of woman (deserves good thangs)
Fistful of diamonds (hand full of rings)
Baby you're a star (I just want to show you, you are)

You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Ooh Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me....

You deserve better girl (you know you deserve better)
We should be together girl (baby)
With me and you it's whatever girl, hey!
So can we make this thing ours?

You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you

Let me love you that's all you need baby

Friday, June 3

All 4 One - I can love you like that

All 4 One - I can love you like that

they read you cinderella

you hoped it would come true
and one day a prince charming would come rescue you
you like romantic movies
and you never will forget
the way it felt when romeo kissed juliette
and all this time that you've been waiting
you don't have to wait no more
i can love you like that
i would make you my world
move heaven and earth if you were my girl
i would give you my heart
be all that you need
show you you're everything that's precious to me
if you give me a chance, i can love you like that

i never make a promise
i don't intend to keep
so when i say forever
forever's what i mean
well i am no casanova
but i swear this much is true,
i'll be holding nothing back
when it comes to you
you dream of love that's everlasting
well baby open up your eyes...

i can love you like that
i would make you my world
move heaven and earth if you were my girl
i would give you my heart
be all that you need
show you you're everything that's precious to me
if you give me a chance, i can love you like that

if you want tenderness
i've got tenderness
and i see through to the heart of you
if you want a man
who will understand
you don't have to look very far

i can love you, girl i can (i can love you love you)
oh baby oh...
i can love you like that
i would make you my world
move heaven and earth if you were my girl
i would give you my heart
be all that you need
show you you're everything that's precious to me
i can love you like that
i can make you my world
move heaven and earth if you were my girl
i would give you my heart
my heart my heart my world
show you you're everything (you're everything to me)
love you like that
i can make you my world
move heaven and earth if you were my girl
i would give you my heart
my heart my heart my world
show you you're everything

Thursday, June 2


阿穆隆 许茹芸 男人.女人



I Swear - All 4 One

I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies
And I swear like the shadow that's by your side

I see the questions in your eyes
I know what's weighing on your mind
You can be sure I know my part
'Cause I'll stand beside you through the years
You'll only cry those happy tears
And though I make mistakes I'll never break your heart

And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies
I'll be there
I swear like a shadow that's by your side
I'll be there

For better or worse till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear

I'll give you everything I can
I'll build your dreams with these two hands
We'll hang some memories on the walls

And when
(And when)
Just the two of us are there
You won't have to ask if I still care
'Cause as the time turns the page
My love won't age at all

And I swear
(I swear)
By the moon and the stars in the skies
I'll be there
(I'll be there)

I swear
(And I swear)
Like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there
(I'll be there)

For better or worse till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
(Beat of my heart)
And I swear

I swear
(I swear)
By the moon and stars in the sky
I'll be there
(I'll be there)

(I swear)
I swear like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there
(I'll be there)

For better or worse
(Better or worse)
Till death do us part
(Oh no)

(I'll love you with every)
Every single beat of my heart
(I swear)
I swear
(I swear)
Oh, I swear

if we were ever get back together vow will be just like this song I SWEAR!!..
just the 2 of us, fighting for both of our happiness, while still loving each other,
for every moment, for better or worse, i will right here, love you with every single heart beat of mine

so true

Wednesday, June 1

天蝎 = scropio

天蝎座 - 以为滥货是极品




what are macaroon??

cass and nelson were taking about them in pyramid that day and my head have lots of ??? around and poping out..i keep asking them what are macaroons??

what are they?? nice to eat?? head fill with question ?? marks

and today i just have the time to search for macaroons..and i found out that A macaroon is a type of light, baked confection, described as either small cakes or meringue-like cookies depending on their consistency. The original macaroon was a "small sweet cake consisting largely of ground almonds" similar to Italian or Moroccan ameretti.

so means they are sweet cakes and there are pictures of this macaroons...

well i found out what are they ??           = they are sweet cakes
i got to know what are they made of??  = they made from flour definately like cookies
what flavour they got??                         = what flavour you want?? they have plenty!!

and now that i need to find out is.....

我根本就放不下 (T.T)















也许会有一个一直默默守护你的 * 天使 *~