Monday, February 21


was driving home from college,

in the car on the road in the jam,

and i turn on the radio and they play 男人女人 by 阿穆隆 许茹芸...

while the music begins my tears started to flow down,

all the way to my cheek,

turn it louder and suddenly all the memories of being with you flashes before my eyes...

tears flowing even faster than before,

wanted to let u know the music was on,

before i press send i realise we are no longer together...

words erasing one by one, my heartaching one by one...

i miss you, i really miss you

even i say i cant do that but i always did...

guilty as ever T.T


Sicreci said...


Jo@nne said...

enaj: 谢谢你,我很开心能认识他,就算分手我还是很想念他很爱他的。。

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