Tuesday, March 29


just came back from college to help kah yin with her assignment for short film and cass was there to help out as well and it's cool..we got 2 camera man to help kah yin shoot..my first time to shoot a video with cass haha..anyway open my blog and it's really so so so dead...

u see...the stats there..after the from 22 of march til 29 of march no ppl view my blog or visit my blog..so empty, so quiet, feels my blog so lonely...i think i should blog more random stuff dont have to be my thing, can be about anything...

later on sign in to FB and i saw my junior, she is say having relationship problems...as a senior i must help her, to bring her up and be an understanding person for our next new recuitments coming up..

encourage her, guide her! 宝贝一定要加油! 你可以的! 姐姐在你身边,不要怕,一定要有勇气面对!宝贝,姐妹们在这里一起跟你奋斗,支持你的!!

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