Saturday, March 5

Dup Dup *** heart pumping

it's been also a month now that i dint not see him but chat with a  few's kinda hard to forget but i have to face the fact and look forward ^^

today it's the first day i saw him again after a month pass...when i saw him my heart pump so fast that it's about to pump out..

the feeling was like the first time we went out together..the nervous and happy and being silly that kind of feel like you love the guy so much and u are nervous to talk or express it out to him...and that the feeling i got when i saw him just now in kaikan..

i was like OMG!!! the feeling that i never forget it came to me like a snap of a fast and my heart pumping raising up to the's like i ready to forget and let go and that feeling just came in and i start to think back the's like totally ARGGHHHH!!!!


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