Tuesday, March 29

dead T.T

gosh my blog is like so dead..almost a week that i dint post any thing and because that whole week is really dead, lifeless and like growing mushroom to spend the whole week with online, reading books, eat, sleep, work...

really no entertainment la last week, except helping cass to do her photoshoot..will post out the photos later once i'm done editing haha ^^

and on the saturday night i got a family dinner where to celebrate my grandma's birthday and also picture will be post up soon..

march is almost over and time is really passing fast...it's already 2 months pass well sometimes i will think of you (is normal) but i wonder if u ever think of me?? haha i guess not...why will a guy miss his ex anyway lol it will be a miracle for it to happen haha..

time passing by, hardly even get to talk to you, slowly slowly you are out from my life, slowly slowly i hardly even misses you or think of you..but during the night it's totally opposite i will think of you even more, and sometimes i really dream of you even i wanna forget about everything

i just realise i cant forget about it because it's stuck with me to the bottom of my heart, it crave in to my heart that is hardly for it to mend..and i thought my do i need to forget?? i dont really have to forget right??

i rather have the feelings for you keep it deep into my heart that i dont need to show out or let you know..as i can make it as admiring you since i cant be with you..admiring you making it to be a role model as i can make myself a better person, to remind myself, to make it as an experience of my own and wont make the same mistake...

thats what i should do...forget you is a hard thing to do so why do i need to forget where i can remember it and move on towards my next step..it's really stupid of me the last couple of month, by chanting i really open my eyes to see something clearly infront of me!!!


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