Monday, October 31

suppose to study

where i'm suppose to be heart has turn to polaroid
and i start editing some photos i took to release stress and boring-ness!!

Sunday, October 30

aiks...feels like a double date instead just friends hahaha

oh gosh my sis...she is really can be in a pain in the ass man! hahahahaha

my sis is like asking eat out or cook...
i say cook and she say don't want to eat home food
then i say go out eat and she say tonight go out eat and tomorrow go out eat again??
then i say i cook
then she say don't want to eat home food

in the end we went out to eat!!

we went to frankie and benny's restaurant to have dinner at five ways..and ah the evening is just so relaxing and and and and and feels a little romantic ahahahha

later on we watch the adventures of tin tin!! omg the movie was awesome!! the 3d animation so so so so cool...looks so real too!! gosh lucky dint't pick the paranormal movie a scary movie might ruin the night!!..

me and my sis was like laughing all the way haha throughout the whole movie and Derek was like saying our laughter is more interesting than the movie hahaha...i was seriously laughing all the way til my stomach hurt...hahaha scary man me hahaa!! i sure know that he gets the jokes or funny phrase but don't see him laugh it out hahaha..acting cool lol hahahaha

after that went home my sis open a bottle of Smirnoff ice to relax and drink and Derek text me saying he made a shot of B52 to me to drink hahaha WAH!! damn awesome man that drink love it loads!!! gonna have that next time when i come down to Birmingham hahahahhaha!!!

Friday, October 28

friday night steam!

oh lucky i came down to birmingham hahaha can get to eat steam boat!!
went to meet up my sis at bullring and go for grocery shopping to 
prepare the steam boat!! YES!!! in a cold weather having steam boat is awesome!!

get everything ready and waited for Derek to come home and join us 
and we fest on the steam boat all night like all you can eat buffet hahaha!!
with my sis, her BF and Derek hahah...4 of us just eat and eat and eat
drink a little too hahaha...awesome night!!


my very first polaroid picture!! OMG is so awesome!!...damn audrey and jinghan you guys are tempting me to get 1..and i really wanna get 1!!

ahahahaha use phone to recapture ugly lo...
should use slr to recapture hahahaha....when i free la hahaha

stay tune ^^

Thursday, October 27

Halloween party!!

it's halloween party ppl!! follow Audrey and Jing Han to HALO and party!!
party all night long in the club hahha.. surprisingly i went to the club!!!

my first clubbing time in UK!! AWESOME!! COOL!!
well actually is a society party and there event is in the club hahah
get the opportunity to go and dance all night long!! 

SSing before going to the club!!

the M&N's ppl!! hahaha cute!

crazy party ever!! lucky i have no regards on going to the club!!
hahaha we just party all night long!! enjoying our self, spinning, jumping, 
singing our heads out!! BEST PARTY far hahaha

next clubbing will be on my birthday!! hahaha...i so want to go club again!! 

bow to heels

OMG!! i saw this leopard heels at TOPSHOP and is 30 pounds = RM150 
omg so expensive!! but then i did not buy and surveying to find some where
that sells cheaper and comfortable too ^^

SHOPPING!!! hahaha ever since touch down to leeds i'm shopping all the way haha

a girls best friend that i could say is money hahaha...
money money money to buy the things that us girls desire!!!

Wednesday, October 26


awesome i'm in a state of realization!!!

i realize something that was there all the past i realize something that is right in front of me but i dint want to know more about, dint want to ask about it, due to that to particular thing it has blinded me...

it has blinded me for so long and i even fell for that trap, for that some thing i realize has trap me and blind me, and i'm so stupid to fell for the trap...

may be is because i want to try it out, want to experience it, want to know how it feels, want to get hold of it...

it all when smoothly until that day came, until it came and i actually experienced it, that i actually felt it before, that i actually tried before, that i actually hold on it before...

it took me for few month to come to the state of realization that it's not worth fighting for when it's not worth going make me realize back at that time, the thing i realize before was actually true, was actually going on, but i realize it was me that ruin the thing i realize...

it was me ruin something i should not have done, it was me that should not exists in that particular thing, it was me that should not have come between....

how can i be so blind, cornered, trap in that situation where i realize that situation happen long ago, how can i be so cruel, how can i be so greedy, how can i be so blinded, how can i not REALIZE IT !!!

i'm sorry for being exists at that time, letting you suffered, cried, demotivated, sorry to get it the way...

now that i'm gone, and i no longer exists in that surroundings, it that situation, i pray and i hope that was forgotten and never remember in that surroundings and in that situation ever again...

and i realize it did happen!! awesome!!! i'm no longer related to it!! i was forgotten!!!

note to self : next time if i realize something and my heart has the glitch to it...better not make the next step to come between that again!!! 

Saturday, October 22



这个人一直要靠进我!很讨厌啦! 请你给我一点空间好吗!!





Monday, October 17




你知道吗??!! 你知道吗,我还很想你




love you you

JJ Lin 林俊傑 - Love U U 

Love u u 我像孤獨的漁夫
說不出 愛的溫度
很想給你的幸福 你卻自我保護
轉彎處 只剩下潮汐之外的荒蕪
Love u u 卻在海裡迷了路
找不出 心的歸屬
思念越嘗越苦 心跳亂了腳步
怎麼我 讀不懂你唇語之間的無助
回憶難以靠近 你是我奢求的唯一
讓我用盡所有力氣 只要你相信
只剩一句 Love u u stay with me

回憶難以靠近 你是我奢求的唯一
讓我用盡所有力氣 只要你相信
只剩一句 Love u u stay with me

只剩一句 Love u u stay with me 

Sunday, October 16

music all day long

Cody Simpson - Not Just You

here is the lyrics for the song i love and like

I know your heart's seen better times
I know our songs had better rhymes
Before today

I guess I made the wrong mistakes
I understand if you need your space
Please take your time

Before you go away
So far away
You need to realize

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on your sleeve
Notice that mine aren't exactly dry
Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

I'm sorry
I wasn't there to catch the fall
I didn't hear you when you called
All of those nights
Please don't forget the good days with me
I can make back the heart aching grief
When it gets dark and it's hard to see
I'll turn on the lights

Before you go away
So far away
I really need you to know

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on your sleeve
Notice that mine aren't exactly dry

Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

I'm not giving up
You don't have to leave
I am willing to beg till i break my knees
I belive in us
Don't give up on me
Girl, I know that you're hurting
And I'm sorry for the pain
I promise that I'll change
Forgive me
Forgive me

Baby, its not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on you're sleeve
Notice that mine arn't exactly dry
(Not exactly dry baby)

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
We had it all
How could we fall
Baby, I thought we would never die
Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you

whole sunday i've been listening to music ^^ since i woke up on my laptop, doing assignments, while facebooking while listening to my playlists, it's just a relaxing sunday ^^ finally i have a relaxing sunday after so long...

chores for today
> do laundry  (CHECK)
> do assignments (CHECK)
> do cleaning (CHECK)

WOW!! all check and it's just the afternoon only hahaha, FABULOUS MAN!! a very on going day today hahaha..

after chores had my breakfast, english breakfast to treat myself..seens daddy not here i cook myself some english breakfast that i've been craving for ^^

TADA!! my master piece hahaha, a very health breakfast i had this few weeks hahaha...if every sunday eat like this i will definitely grow fat man!!...

what the heck...i'm already fat so what's the point hahaha!!

something from the mind

There's somethin' that
I've got to say
You're always with me
Even though, you're far away
Talkin to you on my cell
Just the sound of your voice
Makes my heart melt
Oh girl, well it's true

I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No, baby, you never have
To question my love

And every night
There's a new crowd
But it's always you
That I'm singing about
There is only one these words
Are going out to
Oh girl, I'm all about you

I know you worry sometimes,
Some other girl will make me forget you're mine
There's not a doubt in this world
That anyone could take the
Place of my number one girl

It's true
I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No, baby, you never have
To question my love

And every night
There's a new crowd
But it's always you
That I'm singing about
There is only one these words
Are going out to

Oh girl, I'm all about you
When i close my eyes i can see you
It's like your right here
And this feeling's only gettin' stronger
You're with me everywhere

I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No, baby, you never have
To question my love

And every night
There's a new crowd
But it's always you
That I'm singing about
There is only one these words
Are goin' out to

Oh girl, I'm all about you
I'm all about you
I'm all about you
I'm all about you
I'm all about you....

Saturday, October 15

i wanna be right next to you

Chris Brown - Next To You ft. Justin Bieber



oh gosh this movie is awesome!! i actually tears through this movie gosh Love story always a girls weakness (my weakness darn!!) but i love the story ^^ finally can finish it in a day hahaha

Thursday, October 13


曹格 - 世界唯一的你

是你 一眼我就認出來
是愛 讓你略過漫長等待
我們只要現在相愛 幸福就來

恨我來不及參與你的過去 抱歉讓你等待
我願意 付出一切交換 我靈魂的另一半

這個世界唯一的你 是我擁有的奇蹟
對我說的一字一句 都是我們的秘密
緊緊擁抱唯一的你 無可救藥的堅定
就算世界與我為敵 我也願意 我什麼都願意

看開 過去所有的悲哀
真愛 照亮了漆黑的夜晚
尋找了彼此一輩子 再不分開

恨我來不及參與你的過去 抱歉讓你等待
我願意 付出一切交換 我靈魂的另一半

I would climb the highest mountain
I would swim the deepest sea
對我說的一字一句 都是我們的秘密
緊緊擁抱唯一的你 無可救藥的堅定
就算世界與我為敵 我也願意 我什麼都願意

我願意 付出一切交換 我靈魂的另一半

I will climb the highest mountain
I will swim the deepest sea
(就算要我上天下地)就算上天下地 我什麼都願意為你
緊緊擁抱唯一的你 無可救藥的堅定
就算世界與我為敵 我也願意 我什麼都願意

i miss you

王力宏 Wang Leehom 依然愛你 Still In Love With You 

Friday, October 7

deicate to my lovely awesome mother that is back in malaysia

mummy: how was everything?? school? class? eat??

me: ya everything is good, course mate are friendly, class was good, everyday cook...

mummy: now my little and lazy girl have grown up knows how to take care and independent!!

me: AWWWW mummy!!! I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!!


i really miss my mummy so so much..

a tribute to my lovely mummy dear

she is my pillar, my roof to protect me during rain or shine

she is my guide, my path to lead me to my dreams and goals

she is my strength, my mentor to guide me in life, to whole my ground

she is my soul, my hero to support and help me when ever i'm down

she is my care, my mother that took care of me when i'm sick, when i'm born

she is my ear, my shoulder to listen to my sorrows, to lend a shoulder when i weep

she is my hand, my feet to give me a hand when i fall, to give me a kick on the butt to keep moving

she is my nights, my day to start my day and tucks me in at the end of the day

she is my love, my whole to love me and cherish me for who i am 

she is my MOTHER, my only that gone through so much to rise me up for who i am TODAY




Thursday, October 6

breaking down

i guess i'm going to have a mental break down soon...

it's so difficult..super difficult for me to talk to them, for me to understand what are they saying

it's so difficult for me to even understand when are they being serious or being joking around!!!

it's hard when u are alone in this place where u hardly have any friends to talk, with to express with, or even to go out with!!!

i miss my friends back in malaysia!!
i miss my parents back in  malaysia!!

not having my sis beside me, i feel rather odd lonely, i wonder how my sis did it for 2 years, but then again she have her friends with her...for me i just came alone!! ALONE I TELL YOU ALONE!!!!...

i had my dream came true and i must deal with!! but is so hard!! i know every thing we choose or want there is always a consequences at the end of every dream and goals!!

oh my gosh i'm scare i'm gonna break myself in to tears!! and i dont want that....everyday i chant to gohonzon, talk to gohonzon...saying my prayers it always lighten me in the end but it wont last...


my life in leeds

pictures just say it all