Friday, October 7

deicate to my lovely awesome mother that is back in malaysia

mummy: how was everything?? school? class? eat??

me: ya everything is good, course mate are friendly, class was good, everyday cook...

mummy: now my little and lazy girl have grown up knows how to take care and independent!!

me: AWWWW mummy!!! I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!!


i really miss my mummy so so much..

a tribute to my lovely mummy dear

she is my pillar, my roof to protect me during rain or shine

she is my guide, my path to lead me to my dreams and goals

she is my strength, my mentor to guide me in life, to whole my ground

she is my soul, my hero to support and help me when ever i'm down

she is my care, my mother that took care of me when i'm sick, when i'm born

she is my ear, my shoulder to listen to my sorrows, to lend a shoulder when i weep

she is my hand, my feet to give me a hand when i fall, to give me a kick on the butt to keep moving

she is my nights, my day to start my day and tucks me in at the end of the day

she is my love, my whole to love me and cherish me for who i am 

she is my MOTHER, my only that gone through so much to rise me up for who i am TODAY




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