Monday, November 14


i'm of cause definitely my daddy's little girl hahaha
seeing my daddy spicing up his meat for BBQ after so many years

i got a to learn how to spice up the meat that i'm cooking 
after staying in the UK for like almost 2 months!! hahhaa

i'm proud to be my daddy's little girl where he live his life 
in the western culture when he were in Canada and i'm able 
to adapt that life style that my daddy once live in ^^

cooked myself a roasted chicken with salad with sour cream dressing
gosh! when it came out i thought it will taste bad but in the end 
it was actually quite good!! hahaha i'm so happy..but eating like 
this definitely getting fatter each day!! NOOOOOO!!!!!

for this week i NEED to go on DIET!! as this friday is my BIRTHDAY!!
and i wanna look my best for my own BIRTHDAY!! haha

i still cant decide whether to go to Birmingham on stay in Leeds on friday??
decision decision!! i cant make up my mind!! HAIZ!!

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