Tuesday, November 8


what i realize people around me, or they call friends,
truly can wear a mask to hide their true personality,
they truly can hurt you, if you are not careful,
they can keep a secret behind you back, even it's got something to do with you...

even i'm naive, even you say i'm innocent...why you guys cant tell me the truth!!..

why cant you just tell me right in front of my face!!
why every time i ask, you keep saying it's for my own good!!
why every time i wanna talk about, you will change the conversation!!
(may be that friends do to keep you happy)

if it's for my own good?? then why dont you just tell me!!
WHY DO I HAVE TO GO THROUGH A TOUGH, LONG, CRAZY TIMES just to find out what is the answer!!...
(may be that friends want you to grow)

and when i actually know the answer, it's been there since the beginning before it all started

at the end, actually friends really do helps you a lot, even they have to take the hard way for you to realize something, for you to grow, for you to experience them, for you to learn when to give up or be strong..

friends can treat you in different ways, but they can be true friends if you know how to cherish them, understand them...


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