Thursday, April 30

h@pPy B!rThd@Y $h@r0&!!

wow today class was a bit bored everyone just do their own job on the 3D max...we were so concentrated on the class we even dint hear what our lecturer say to us...haha lots of us will say "har?" after is talk...haha

after class i rush home to get ready shwu sian's present that i haven wrap it up...a cute little bear with a bareback that suits her very much..hehe sorry that i not really know ur size shwu sian but is small size..hope u can fit in it..hehe

shwu sian playing game..

we went to pyramid together with jian sunn and marcus to watch X-men just a normal movie like all blockbuster movie...we was thinking of watching the "uninvited" and shwu sian was like pushing here pushing there cos we don really want to see it...haha

after the movie we went to the arcade and play some game...we play the dancing game but we use hands to play it..haha it was my first time as well haha...don really know how to play keep seeing my college fren that there play lots of time but i don really know how to..ahaha..but i'm getting use to was fun..haha we went shopping later before going back...we brought some earing and hair clips..girls accessories..haha

we had fun at pyramid...and we will go again soon...PYRAMID HERE WE COME!! HAHA!!

Wednesday, April 29

my first guitar lesson

scary scary damn first time playing a guitar..haha wow..very embaressing seeing myself playing guitar after all these years...and let a young teacher to teach me maalluuu laaa..haha i laugh almost the whole section cos i'm quiet nervous bout the class haha..

look that's me playing the guitar

OMG!!!...haha..first i learn a few basic note for a few times from C on to D den to E note and so embaresing to see the younger ones are good player than me...haha the first music i play saw "marry had a little lamd" took me for a few minutes to get the notes and the timing to play it...EEE!!! MALUNYA!!..but is a good training thought..

these are my music sheets and guitar..

took me so long just to able to play the guitar...been wanting to play guitar since standard 5..but til now i finally get to play it and learn it..muahaha...

these is joe hui and her guitar

danny and kelly learning their notes

shayne and wei fang together playing the same music

shayne is the one who teach me how to play guitar...he is a good teacher...hey shayne thanks for teaching me the feeling of playing guitar..hehe finally to touch a guitar...hehe i will try my best to be the best by playing guitar...muahaha...

Tuesday, April 28

my script writing class

my classmate and my coursemate..the guys..

oh...todays script writing class is din't start shouting like the last time (shouting in a good way)...muahahaha...we learn how to start our exposition with our character in our's fun as well everyone of us are doing such a great job that the lecturer even praise us..hehe

the girls...

We have a great time during the class everyone did give out ideas to contribute to the class...

my working table..haha

this is my friend...his drawing x-men when teacher was teaching...

hey Muz pay attention la...haha

i think everyone is in a holiday mood so everyone is happy during the class no one slept in the class or go out from the class...
cool...keep it up dudes!!

Monday, April 27

cry cry

you guys will never believe it...i cry in class today!! well not exactly in class i run out from the class went to the bathroom and cry...

In the bathroom i ask myself why i cry?? is no use to cry..this is college not secondary school there is no use of crying..that what i told myself..

After cleaning up my face and when back to the class..on the way saw zul and he saw me crying..we chat for awhile and i told him bout my problem...i really cant stand that pressure in the class...when i told him my problems i just realise that i have lots of work i haven done...what i've been doing all this time!!!

when back to class and my frens saw me eyes red and wet...they know i'm crying and ask me what happen to me..i told them is alright nothing to worry about...

I really need to thanks Zul for helping me and talking to me with y problems and everything..Zul, you really are a good friend..thanks you so much..thank you!!

I must have the wisdom and courage to overcome this problem and able to get back on track..

cheer for me!! hehe...

Friday, April 24


din thought of going to mc donal's...i was doing my blog just to update a few things den i receive a call that my sis say "go MC DONALD's come down hurry" when i hear it i was like shock all of a sudden go MC DONALD's dad wont go MC DONALD's if there is a special thing happen to him...
Anyway..went to MC DONALD's we have our ice cream...

here's my ice cream..delicious..

me and my sister..bad shoot she move when we took the picture

my bro and mom..they have finish their ice cream
and now having burger..>.<

my dad with his ice cream..took this shot in secretse

hey sis thanks for the treat my sis treat me ice cream..hehe don mind that i have so more?? hehe

Thursday, April 23

study? (not...we mostly chat) haha

Study?? neh...mostly we relax..
Morning we have class and we show our work to the lecturer...after that we start our work using 3D studio max and doing our segi ground floor was hard!!

the lecturer want it very details and like facing the computer for like 3 hours non eyes was like painful..haiz

After class went to beatrice house to continue our assignments...

there is beatrice in pink doing her assignment for 3D animation interior
keep up the good work!! gambateh beatrice

me updating my blog for others to see..hehe
and not doing work haha..

While she is doing her work i was a 2 timer doing my work and blogging at the same time..hehe..but mostly blogging..haha
Beatrice saw me blogging and we stop doing our work...we start going through other peoples blog and read them..haha..

we have a tea time later to rest after that we continue chatting until we don feel like doing our work anymore...haha we go through beatrice's wardrobe and play dreesing up..haha

Angel Of Peace

Angels of Peace, you bearers of culture!
Ah, the fervent breath
Of my friends on fife and drum
You fashion a single ever-fresh flower
Dressing up our dreary world.

Marching to the flanks or forward or pin-wheeling
At the drum major’s bidding,
The elegance of close-order drill
Creates a divinely fluid dance flowing from the fervour
That charges your minds, charges your bodies.
Along the chilly paths of discipline
In our chaotic and jaded age,
Your radiant circle (a ring of life linked with precious life)
Emits the sparkling good sense of youth
And a well-wrought song of triumph.

Daughters of the nameless masses,
Pioneers in smashing the walls between people
As you melt the seasoned ice of ideology,
You are the unofficial envoys
True and trustworthy angels of peace.
Strangers to political craft,
Strangers to diplomatic stratagems,
Without speaking a word, you spread our philosophy of peace,
You extend the frontiers of friendship
Touching the people where they are.

Using neither bullets nor bayonets,
But only simple fifes and drums,
You play the basic rhythm of the Mystic Universe;
None can help responding from deep within.
Certainly you shall spur the world to peace!
Yes, we find in you a florid oasis
Greening our spiritual desert:
Your light-hearted “Do Re Mi”,
Your lyrical and lucid “Moonlight above the Castle Ruins”,
Your “Symphony of Joy”.

I shall never forget
Tears gleaming in the eyes of those angels
Who see from afar the bulwarks of world solidarity
Beyond the soaring horizon.
I cheer the tunes in every glistening pearly tear.
As you evade the flames of war,
Clearing the din of progress
And announcing to all the New Truth,
You light now one, now another
Light of life among us.

The lights you’ve lit merge into patterns
Spreading everywhere over the gloom,
Over the ugliness of these latter days;
Your light soon will generate the passionTo fire all our tomorrows.

a very meaningful poem that we can face through our problems with this poem...hope that u can use it well...thanks for reading...

Tuesday, April 21

shopping with fren

This afternoon decided to go pyramid to find present for my best friend cause her birthday is coming...when Bonita to buy some stuff and my friend call...
Then we went to the cinema to see what mo
vie is showing...Justin decided to watch FRIDAY THE 13th and i was like NO WAY DUDE!!..lets watch FAST AND FURIOUS 4
But at the ended he brought the tickets for FRIDAY THE 13th and i was thinking OH NO TONIGHT DEFINITELY CANT SLEEP ALL BECAUSE OF HIM CHOOSING THAT MOVIE!! haiz...

The movie is at 1:30pm we still have time so we went for lunch at WENDY' first time at WENDY'S..seriously the burger there is much more nicer and tastier than MC DONALD'S even is a little expensive than MC DONALD'S but it's worth it..

my 100pus drink

Justin and his drink

our finished lunch

After lunch we when to see FRIDAY THE 13th...i close my eyes almost through out the whole's creepy and disgusting and scary as well...Justin keep laughing at me(so bad) cause i'm scared and always close my eyes-.-...after the movie we when shopping for present for my best friend birthday...look for so long cant find until i have a good idea of a present..hehe

good morning everyone!!

hey hey hey...

morning guys...okay seriously i really cant wait to post this up so that's why i wake up early just to post this up...enjoy the video

this video is from BOA's new album call eat you up...shoot in the video have cool moves too...still learning the steps(looks hard but kinda easy hahaha) her lots
well enjoy!!(hehe)

welcome!! welcome!!

hi friends

my ever first blog to be up online..haha hope you guys will like it..hehe
first to introduce my self..that i'm not very good in haha
the name is joanne, 19th this year still studying in college now having a blash too..

love to dance a lot(if you are looking for some dance lesson do find me)...i too love outdoor sports..and shopping as well..hehe

well i guess thats it...haha
will post more soon