Thursday, October 22

emo day

don know why today soo emo...feel lonely in class like nobody wan talk to me...or i have nothing to talk to them..feeling emo...the funny is thati feel like in i'm in tadika..cos our lecturer ask us to draw 6 pictures that best describe our self...haha...everyone draw and i cant believe that the things is everyone was so serious on what the lecturer gives us to do...first time seeing them so concentrate at the same time having fun..nice to relax once in a while...haha..

when for lunch at summit..ate roti pisang and drink teh o ice..haha later after lunch i rush off to college cos i'm late for animation class...i rush to class and lecturer say that those who haven finish the storyboard you can just go home...everyone was shocked and only left two person in weird and sad..haiz..first time sad la...

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