Monday, October 12

h@pPy B!rThd@Y JyM!!

haha jym's birthday is today haha...well i check it out on facebook cos i'm curious and turns out that his birthday is today 12th of october...hahaha...i infrom ah fai and justin about it...they dont even know his  birthday and they stay in the same apartment...haiz sad la...i pity jym that they dint know...haiz...haha...justin say they are going to have western at dad was like asking cheras there where got nice western food...haha i say i dont know but got friend know there so he suggest there and can see kl night view...

a picture of me in the car coming back home and get ready to go out again...waited so long for them to come to my house haiz...they say 8 o'clock come and fetch me at the end almost going to 9 something they only come...haiz...haha may be because of jam i guess haha...later on we went to puchong to fetch ah fai as was so wonder there's lots of accident and ppl so keh po til make the highway so jam...haiz...ah hong was driving and he say drive til tired cos so jam..haha...he turn here turn there and we end up going up the hill where the restaurant is up on the dark hard to see the road as well...but the view was just perfect...haha

we reach the rastaurant at almost late just to have dinner..haha...but it's worth it...the view, the breeze so cooling just like nice....

took a picture of kl night view...nice right...can u see klcc light are like shooting in to the night sky

ah fai and justin (the one who always like to bully me -.-'' haiz)

jym the birthday boy and ah hong the one who drive us there....

look out point menu...haha lots of nice food but too much dont know what to eat and what to choose...haha

me and jym..look he so happy haha...hopes he like the dinner...

me, jym and ah hong

my grape champagne...very and justin have the same drink...swt =.=''

justin order sizzling bbq chicken

jym's special sizzling chicken

ah fai's and ah hong's out of the menu's grill chicken

and mine will be sizzling bbq lamp chop...hehe haha the only person having lamp chop

my whole meal grape shampagne and sizzling bbq lamp chop cost RM22.10..affordable price and the food is just nice...

jym is enjoying his meal...while eating..jym always ask us riddles to guess...wander where he get the riddles many...some are logic but some are not..haha but we have fun eat thing and chatting..haha the music there are relaxing as well..they are playing oldies just nice for the view...

haha taking their picture while eating...

after the meal we took the last view of kl night view...

so bad ask them to stand till they got and turn right after i count til bad...

ah fai help us take a picture...ah hong, me,jym and justin..aiya forget to call ah fai to take together as well...sorry ah fai...

the last photo that justin took before leaving the restaurant and go home..on the way home we sing in the car so loud til most of us tired and sleepy...and the end everyone so quiet...haha...hope to go there again soon...

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