Thursday, October 1

hair do

boring til go bukit tinggi, klang there and have a hair do?! O.O!! it's fun ahaha....morning woke up at 10 and wei shan called and say he is coming to the house soon...i jump out from the bed and get ready....rush up and down til my mom say her head also when dizzy looking at me..haha first time wake up so early for a hair do..swt man...reach there the saloon also not yet open...and we are the first 1 there i'm the first customer..hehe

on the let's start

washed hair

blowed hair

cut hair?! NO!!!!! but at the end he cuted...swt..haiz

he den start to curl my hair using i don know what..haha...

look at it so many curlers...and so heavy =.=''

i'm an alien...such a big mechine just to heat up my hair..haha waited so long almost 30 minutes i think more then hair it's so heavy feels like it's droping off soon...dint know it so pain..haiz...

at the end...TAA hair curl finally haha

cute? haha

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