Thursday, October 15

lunch time

PRESENTATION SKILLS!!! ARGH!!'s class is a bit too bored edi lecturer but like dont know how to handle the class noisy he can take it i also cannot take it la...the class room is kinda small and there are like more den 50 student in the class so crowded and a bit hot as well haiz...sad la..have to face this class for another 1 whole month...should have two class for it..but because he his a part time lecturerso there is no choice for it..argh!!...sob sob

i got so bored and  when out to the  bath room and took a picture of me!! haha..i guess i love myself to much already..well is true that girls like to take picture of themselve any where there go or what they do..i guess is girls nature..haha so guys please dont say girls that are too the class i thought that we going for lunch but dont know why that they when to basement car park i guess not having lunch i just went to summit alone til beatrice text me that want to go for lunch with i agree and went lunch with her..hehe...

we went to fak kei there for noodles...beatrice order hot plate noodles and me have char siew pao and siew mai...hehea bit of dim sum..hehe

beatrice talking...she love to talk...

we brought the same design clothes...nice right she brought white and i brought dark grey...very nice's fun sometimes to go shopping together..haha

and beatrice ask me to buy the sun glasses so i brought it..but i need a new want as well cos mine broke already and nowadays it's so why not buy a new want..haha

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