Friday, October 30

h@pPy B!rThd@Y D@ddY!!

my daddy birthday today hehe...and he dint go for work today soo good..i wish i can skip class on my birthday also..but have to wait lo..haha my mom suddenly call me want fetch me, i feel so weird cos normally i take bus home not my mom fetch, and she say go buy cake as well that why i know why she say she fetch to buy mc donalds for lunch and buy cake as well...we brought bakers cottage cappocino moose cake..yummm!!

my dad and bro playing go daddy go!! cheering for you!!

dad's cappocino moose cake!!

my mom and dad...we went to USJ 19 city mall there to have have a new restaurant open so just wanna try it was quite fancy too...we ordered the 4 pax meal cost around RM128++...well it's reasonable i guess that's what my dad say...haha the designs there are quite nice but it's to quiet cos very little people walk around USJ19 mall..haha cos it's still new!!

the soup of the black chicken in it..salty too!

chicken and char small  portion...and the middle wan is jelly fish...omg i though that jelly fish cant eat..well my first time eating's chewy too..BATHROOM BREAK!!went to toilet alone..once go in feel like someone is watching..very creepy felling and very quite too....

 butter prawn with satay sause

normal stim patin fish with souer souse...

the dress i'm wearing that nice...cuttie dress..hehe

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