Friday, July 16

happy 2nd anniversary

OH MY GOD...i was kinda dearest ask me to listen to this song 男人女人 by 阿穆隆 许茹芸 it was kinda weird where suddenly baby dearest call me to listen...when i was in the car i on the radio and i here this song as well so i faster call baby and he dint pick up the phone it was kinda sad where i waited for him to answer and the song was almost finish i just hang up and went down to buy kfc for supper with my dad...

coming with things that distracts me i cant recall what i was thinking about when i'm in the careless i am..forgoting the things i remember to do for the whole day..really becoming old already...when i message BI that i'm listening to the song he message me wishing me happy 2nd month anniversary!! i was totally shock i dint see the clock that is already over 12 midnight where is going to 1am in the morning...ARGH!! how careless that i can be!!

to my baby dearest i wish a happy 2nd month anniversary!! love you lots and dont worry i will be always by yourside!! LOVE YOU LOTS BABY DEAREST!!!

i was hoping that you will call but turn out BI is having meeting with other members for their performance so dont want to disturb him..

BI!! hugs and kisses!!

love baby lots!! kisses!!

**going to pyramid on saturday to celebrate our day together!!
or may be tomoro afternoon not sure yet BI where u want to go??

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