Monday, July 12

toy story 3!!

hey peeps yeah!! no work today!! woohoo!! and today BI is going to take me out to watch movie!! and watch toy story 3!! YEAH YEAH!! BI finish class at 12 then he come and pick me after his both of us are wearing PINK!!! hehe!! went to buy ticket for toy story 3 but the time was 4.20pm so no choice to choose that time...went to gohan pasta for lunch!

the pasta there is nice...

picture no so good


double muacks

piccy!!! waiting for time to past went to jusco to buy my underwears...
baby dear was the only guy there and all the girl were choosing 
and he was beside me brought a cute bra that baby dear suggested
OH MY GOSH!! baby dear do know what i like hahah...but embarasing thought haha
and we just sit around and chat and take pictures!!

baby dear do really love to hug me...everywhere we go he sure will
hug me and never let go..>.< BI dont let go o...if u let go i dont know where i am
love Baby dear when he hugs me..feel so secure!!! LOVE YOU BI

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