Thursday, December 2

our 200th days!!

today is the day of our 200th of being together ^^ HOORAY!!! despide the all the obstacles and problem the up and downs..we are still together and growing strong!!

what happen to me all this like i'm flying on air, my both feets had sweep of the ground because of heart pounding faster and faster, i only can think of you and cant concentrate in my works and assignment.... I KNOW WHAT HAPPEN!! I'M TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! gosh you are the first person that makes me fall in love so darn deep inside that is like attached to the soul..

is so hard to break free..and it's definately HARD TO LET IT GO!! really no one can do us part!! even thought we have problems between us we still can be together..I LOVE HIM SO SO SO MUCH!!! I WONDER DOES HE TOO??

but i never dough it!! yesterday so cold between us..i really don know what to say in car with him or dare to hold his hand in mid wanted to take picture with him with the christmas decoration in mid valley but all i want to do is to hold his hand once again!!! today i'm gonna do so!! no matter what reaction he made or say something i'm stil gonna hold his hand!! if he don like i guess there is no choice about it T.T no NO MUST THINK POSITIVE!! TOTALLY CAN!! 加油!!


later we gonna watch rapunzel and have dinner together then we go kaikan for meeting tonight!!
hope this plan goes well and nothing will interfer between us!! 加油!!

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