Friday, December 10

over slept ^^

woke up 11 today wow super late...yesterday slept late was smsing with baby dear until 2.30am @@ but it was nice to chat with him after so long ^^..i really really miss baby dear so much!!..

yesterday he ask me when i'm going to time square and i ask him to come along with ching ching they all but he dont want he dont want to let his sister see how he react towards me i guess baby dear is embarras hehe muacks muacks..he say find another day to go there again with me only for shopping ^^ eeee so love baby dear wanted to spend time with me alone^^ cant wait for the day we go out together again this time I'M SURELY GOING TO HOLD YOUR HAND..AND YOU BRING ME GO ROUND AND ROUND!!

really want to go dating with baby dear very long dint go already and spent time with baby dear since i was so busy this 2 weeks but finally i'm half free can accompany baby dear already^^

yesterday feeling was sweet and nice love the feeling talking to baby dear in facebook we message each other and i show him some lovely dinner dress that i found in facebook asking his oppinion for the dress i like..and baby dear suggest some even nicer and sexier ones OMG baby dear@@ hehe..i fell so embarras that time ^^

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