Monday, November 30

relaxing day

today finally i pass up my animation lu!! ahahhaa lecturer say okay i wan to PASS my animation so scare now....haiz went to ID room to wait for joann they all finish their presentaation but at the end justin fai and jym dint make it and postpone it to friday...haiz...pity them la yesterday whole night din sleep n rush the assignment till next morning damn pity, gwen and joann waited for them like 2 hours no still no show so we just leave and decide where to go n eat so we decided to go TGI friday's there and long din go parade already so...why not and beside we not rushing also so what the heck...go for it man!.. we reach friday and there is no much ppl too...

three of us order the seat meal lunch only for RM29.90 well it worth so why not...i order the november sea breeze...its so cold and sour but i like it because it's passion fruit

gwen with her hot chocolate..nice top too looks cute...

gwen and joann heheh smile guys

this is a bit too spicy already

there is cheese in it

clam chowder awesome 1
all this 3 above will be our appettizer...well there is only 3 choices and lucky there is only 3 of us so we order all of we can right haha

wow look at it...looks nice to eat...but i forgot the name of it so i cant promote the food haha

this  will be's nice to eat but it will be very very full for me but i manage to eat them all...haha

and that will be gwen's  sandwhich look at the fries so many

our whole table is full of food wow we are like 3 cute piggy that eat so much...haha...just look at the foods man i wonder  how we can finish it man...but at the end we did manage to finish some and take away some haha...after finish it was so full that we call ourself cute fat piggys who eat over a hundred riggits but it was nice once a while we have a great time together and eat together with a lovely the moment

our cute mini desert yummy yum yum!!! chocolate oreo and doesn't taste like  ice cream more towards yogurt and moose feeling but hey it taste good man!! haha

animation FINISH!!!

HOOORAAYYY!! finally i finish my animation assignment oh yeah!!! after burning the midnight oil and stress for almost more than 2 weeks i have FINALLY finish my animation assignment...look at it is like so easy to do but once u do it is so much may be because we were still new to it not like the pro in japan and korea they were they PROS to do such wonderful animation films like monster inc and toy story and many many more!!!

thats what i wanna be just like them the PROS! well of cause this is my first time it doesn't look nice cos i just learn how to do it and next time i will do it even better so i can show it to u guys and comment for me ahahha
so so so happy finally finish my assignment HOOORRAAYYY!!! oh wait i almost forgot ARGHH!! i still have research proposal, marketing and bm exam oh no!!....need to study already still cannot relax and have holiday..OH NO!!!! never mind struggle just a few more days den i'm off to holiday mood already!! til that time comes need to concentrate already have to study hard and study SMART!!! ahahaha

Sunday, November 29


Survey forms

I am a student of SEGi College Subang Jaya doing a research on what music do students prefer to listen while doing their assignments. Hope you can spend 5 minutes to answer the question.Thank you for your cooperation. JUST COPY AND PAST IT IN MICRO** WORDS AND RESEND IT BACK TO ME AT thanks u so so much

Section A- personal demography


     o Male

     o Female

Age: _________


     o Malay

     o Chinese

     o Indian

     o Others: ________

Are you:

     o Studying

     o Working

(If studying please continue, if working thanks a lot for your participation)

Section B

1 Do you like music?

     o Yes

     o No

2 Do you enjoy listening to music?

     o Yes

     o No

3 Do you play any music instrument?

     o Yes: (please specific: ___________)

     o No

4 How many hours do you normally spend on listening to music?

     o Less than an hour

     o An hour

     o More than an hour

5 What is your favourite music amount this selection?

     o R&B

     o HARD CORE
     o JAZZ


     o Others: _____________
6 What type of music do you listen to relax yourself?

     o R&B

     o RAP



     o POP

     o Others: ____________

7 Where did you usually listen music from?

     o Radio

     o Television

     o Hand phones

     o Others: ___________

8 Please tick (/) the each music of your choice that you enjoy

Type of music       (5)  Strongly like       (4) like       (3)   average       (2)   dislike       (1)   Strongly dislike








9 Please tick (/) which singer you like the most

Singers name       (5)  Strongly like       (4)  like      (3)   average      (2)  dislike     (1)  Strongly dislike


Jay Chou

Britney Spears

Linkin Park

Jay Z


Sean Kingston

10 What is music all about to you?

Notes: Please attached this survey form and send back to us. Thank you.

Saturday, November 28


so many new movies man!! I SO WANT TO WATCH ALL OF THEM!!! is like movie season to me all the new movie and it's going to be holiday for me...soo........i will be watching movie like everyday man! OHH YEAH!!! hahah....i am so want to watch all of them but have to wait cause have to finish my assignment first after that exam then movie moviess HERE I COME!!! wait for me ya!!!

my lecturer keep asking us to watch as a director but i'm so lazy...too concentrated on the movie til i feel bored...i rather watch is as an audience just to enjoy the movie..well of cos i do sometimes watch it as a director to get more creative ideas and technique to apply it in my assignment for video production as well and also others assignment all because i took the course  VIDEO AND ANIMATION so it's worth it...lucky i dint pick the wrong choice...(IT'S THE RIGHT COURSE FOR ME EVER!!!) haha

Thursday, November 26

angry PISS of you bitch

damn it man...F*** off la what i keep sending it if you dont like it den just accept the suggestion that so F***king hard!! i also dont wan to keep sending it man cos u dont accept den i keep sending la...if you just accept it den i wont be sending it again again and again la...IDIOT HUMAN no brains man!!! stupid la...after sending me that message now my cute little mouse is not working evil people make my mouse spoiled YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY  me back dude!!! and i mean it...was going so well doing my animation because of what you say my mouse spoiled and i cant do anything now...

way a go dude!! you happy now!! i cant finish my assignment because of you!! "hurray for you" (sacartic of saying) F*** YOU (XXXXX XXXXX XXX)damn piss because of you!!! really very PISS PISS PISS of you!! lucky are not my friend and i dont know you well so i can say this about you...normally i dont say it to my friends...hahaha good to know that YOU ARE THE 1ST BITCH!!! ahahahahha

Wednesday, November 25

lack of updates

omg my blog is lie so updates now a days was so busy with assignment and all til i have no time to blog already...was so so so busy with animation assignment til i dint get to sleep well now tired and having headache is not a good thing wan..totally not a good thing  dude...haiz...must put more efford on my animation already if not i scare fail man...may god bless me man...

Wednesday, November 18

h@pPy B!rThd@y Me part 3

my third celebration for so many in a row...but it's awesome... we went to KIM GARY to gather...we reach there around 10 something and it was quite late and the restaurant is like closing up...but there is till people there cool...even so late people still come to KIM GARY!!...

me and cass the birthday girls for tonight!!

cass ordered lychee ice cream..i ordered the kiwi >.< should not have order that...

kaang hui love to do some funny much different den kaang yip...

nelson, wai keen and kaang hui...wai keen looks different from before i wonder is it he gain a bit weight?? dont know cos he looks more chubby(in a good way) den last time..last time was a bit too skinny and he dint wear glasses OMG totally different from last time lol

what is kaang hui doing man...he loves to play funny pose man u are totally different den kaang yip man..i wonder is that u guys have change ur possition or what...cos kaang yip is like acting more mature den kaang hui but kaang hui is the elder

prefect pose and picture...we pose for our ice cream lol

aaiks i was trying to eat and u took photo of me eating...=.= cass what happen to your face?! o.o?

eee...people eating oso need to take meh...funny lo

done by kaang hui and jason...what a master piece from tomatoes and chilli

what are they talking man...alwyn was there late because of fetching hey guys where is my present?? i want my just kidding man

that will be praveen on the right, gena's boy friend, gena and cass 1 of the main people there lol

i took it while she not looking ahahha

a birthday cake preent from simon..OMG SIMON!!! THAK YOU SO MUCH!! look at it man just look at it...the whole cake is strawberry...with strawberry fruits, strawberry cover with chocolate toping..strawberry cream in and out...everything pink and strawberry man look this cake the most dudes and dudats....

a picture of me and cass with our birthday cake

1 big group photo say cheese every one...we sqeeze to each other to fir everyone together to take a picture

y so blur wan nelson...

lick lick lick the knife!

a picture of the cake inside

lol omg so many people eat til thats all it fell for simon..cos the cake it so so awesome that everyone cannot resist the temptation and straight to eat all til it what it have left..

omg my tougue is pink ahhahaha

so does cass ahahaha

after we celeb and is like almost 12 something and the restaurant is close so we decided to go back but the othets..they went some where else...

Tuesday, November 17

h@pPy B!rThd@Y Me part 2

it's tuesday and we are going out..all of us!! me joanne, gwen, jym, justin, ah fai and ah hong too!!...haha..joanne come to my house at 10:30 am so early and went we want to fetch justin and jym thery still haven wake up yet..omg!! already plan to meet in pyramid and u guys haven wake up..swt=.=..while waiting for them we went to fetch gwen cos she already ready just waiting for me and joanne to fetch so happy that we 1 whole gang can go out together!!...we reach pyramid at 11 something and the car park was like so empty well of cos is in the morning man..haha...we walk around pyramid to think of wat to eat..walk and walk we reach the old wing of pyramid...

and they suddenly stop to see what are the workers building...well they are building a stage and some sort of castle may be is a fantasy event that is going to happen soon...and so ngam that they are posing like that so i just took a picture of them pose jym...everybody 'kat put'wan hahah aiya why justin turn cannot take his back shoot that can see everyone how they look like when they 'kat put' lo..haha

me and justin walking away edi and they still posing there...haha...very funny lo u guys...what are you guys looking o? ppl building stage also nice to see ma..when we walking towards KIM GARY and saw a fares wheel right in the middle of the hallway...they are building a small amuesment park in shopping complex...sunway are like doing everything...they have theme parks, college, shopping mall, hospital, hotel nd housing doing another small town...haha lol but it's cool too to have everything...

saw this maniquine in a cage on top and in the middle of old wing...awesome it's like a masqurate party where everybody wear mask and dresses up real nice

we reach KIM GARY and when we were going to order..joanne look at the menu til like crazy edi cos there is too many menu to see and she got mixed up and she say like very mafan and messy kinda think of true sometimes..there are like  so many things to see and so many chioces til can make you like so blur...OMG jym are you showing your internal gesture??

justin curry noodle soup..look at it so so so red it must be really very spicy..ngam for you la..u like to eat spicy spicy things no problem for you la..haha

my fruit milk drink, vanilla jelly, and white cream...for my set lunch meal..

joanne and jym...jym are y u always look at your drink de...i know is nice but u don have to look at it all the time..look and joanne i guess she have a great time talking and talking to gwen and big reaction when she laugh...well i cought u with your begin haha

gwen with her cheese bake noodle with chicken and yogurt drink

joanne with her beef slice rice and ice lemon tea drink...

as for favourite type of meal is cheese bake rice with butter mushroom and beef slice in it..and comes with my set drink fruit milk, white cream soup and for desert is vanilla jelly..i really love KIM GARY's bake rice with cheese( any type)...because of the cheese i love to eat cheese...the way it melt to the rice and when it almost get burn smell and the taste it macnicison!!! we eat and waited for ah fai and ah hong to come..we wait and wait til we finish our we have no choice to pay the bill and wait for them at the ring...

and.....WE ARE IN!!!! finallt we are in the ring...i hurry hurry up to get my skates and wear it on and it was like so loose the i tide it tight but feels something different...jym is helping gwen with her skate while joanne is sitting down there ready and waiting for us..haha we went in to the ring and skate the ice was like not so was so bumpy..and my skates was like so loose..i have to go and change..when i got out and so ngam that is time to resurface the ice edi...lucky me..haha and when we were waiting ah fai and ah hong came in already cool!!

ah fai with his gloves...

me and girls....

cheese cheese cheese...oh and peace too..

wah jym so geng ar..teaching ah fai how to skate ar...not bad wor...

smile guys..aiya why ah hong and fai looking down wan...should look up and smile...don need to be shy wan de...but the picture oso a bit not nice cos the background too big edi..if closer den nicer to see...

take another picture la guys don look away!!

wah justin so good wan da help fai to tide...hehe...good boy o

hehe..jym teaching fai how to skate so don need to 'fu' him like that the ma..

what a nice smile ah fai..looks like u are having fun man...u oso say it urself too..and it's time to resurface the ice again..and we waited and waited...we waited for quite a long  time so i just took pictures...u can see below...

joanne, gwen and me..loovvee this picture lots!!...the three best friends taking pictures...and we were in the ice...the pictures below

from the top is justin's to the left is hong's and the right is mine muahahhaa...

1 big happy so ngam wan..for tall to a hill...lets see we have gwen, me, justin, ahfai, jym and ah hong...joanne is missing because she went home early din take her picture together..after skating they decide to go eat DIAN HUA FAN DIAN...and i don know where it is..they that they are taking for a i guess so along but have to be back before 8pm...

in ah hong's car..take picture cos nothing to do and we just chat chat chat...we were in the car laughing and singing...when we were on the road...gwen was asking jym ah fai to sing birthday song for me...and they sing birthday song in rap, remix and a very old type was fun in the car but i don know how to describe in word..what i'm going to say is u should have been there..haha

when we reach there..there is not much ppl and OMG...took at the many many to eat finish...i know why it's because it's all you can eat buffe steamboat wonder...there is so many things kind of sea foods and bbq meats too...but the pot to cook it's so small...they have good buisness too...

the chef of the day will be hong and fai..and co chef will be jym..haha and i'm the customer to just eat what they cook haha...

wow look at it..yummy yum yum o...

ah yen and mein yee joined us too...we eat and eat and eat and enjoying our prefect dinner meal so there is not much picture and not much to say so i guess took some below...

i cant  believe tha we really finish everything that we took...i know i stop half way cos i'm so full..and guess what the boy especially sam and justin and  hong is the 1 who keep eating and eating like they wont get full me and the other girls had given up cos we are full and we have to leave some space in the stomach for desert...yummy and gwen took ice cream to eat...

and when i was eating they call me to take a picture with justin...swt..=.=...justin u don have to pose like that..very niang la...haha

me and gwen holding ice cream cone..hehe so long  din eat edi...

sam goh still can eat are you?? very geng o...not full meh..ah yen wanted my camera so i give her i tot she wan to see but at the end she take and took pictures...this are the photos she took...

when we finish it was almost like 8 we went back to subang...justin and jym went for a movie with ah, gwen, hong and fai had gone back home...and the last i have a great first time having birthday celebration in such a wonderful and fun day ever..i hope there is more to come!! and a nice picture to conclued my post....hehe