Saturday, November 28


so many new movies man!! I SO WANT TO WATCH ALL OF THEM!!! is like movie season to me all the new movie and it's going to be holiday for me...soo........i will be watching movie like everyday man! OHH YEAH!!! hahah....i am so want to watch all of them but have to wait cause have to finish my assignment first after that exam then movie moviess HERE I COME!!! wait for me ya!!!

my lecturer keep asking us to watch as a director but i'm so lazy...too concentrated on the movie til i feel bored...i rather watch is as an audience just to enjoy the movie..well of cos i do sometimes watch it as a director to get more creative ideas and technique to apply it in my assignment for video production as well and also others assignment all because i took the course  VIDEO AND ANIMATION so it's worth it...lucky i dint pick the wrong choice...(IT'S THE RIGHT COURSE FOR ME EVER!!!) haha

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