Sunday, November 8

exciting morning

hooray it's finally morning..and i cant believe i woke up so early today i woke up at 8:30 like that it's very early even my mom saw me woke up and asking me why so earlt haha i guess it's because i'm going out later with my friends so it's special for today. we are going pyramid!! hooray!! simon it's fetching at 10 something so have to get ready took bath and....

OMG!! i cant find anything to wear AIKS!! i need to go shopping edi!! there is no clothes for me to wear LOL...need to go already but lucky plan to go shopping with gwen on the 17th but i scared not enough time man!! need more time okay okay it's almost 10 edi...mummy i need money!!

got to go buy..bye bye will upload more later!!! when i get back of cos lol

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