Thursday, November 26

angry PISS of you bitch

damn it man...F*** off la what i keep sending it if you dont like it den just accept the suggestion that so F***king hard!! i also dont wan to keep sending it man cos u dont accept den i keep sending la...if you just accept it den i wont be sending it again again and again la...IDIOT HUMAN no brains man!!! stupid la...after sending me that message now my cute little mouse is not working evil people make my mouse spoiled YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY  me back dude!!! and i mean it...was going so well doing my animation because of what you say my mouse spoiled and i cant do anything now...

way a go dude!! you happy now!! i cant finish my assignment because of you!! "hurray for you" (sacartic of saying) F*** YOU (XXXXX XXXXX XXX)damn piss because of you!!! really very PISS PISS PISS of you!! lucky are not my friend and i dont know you well so i can say this about you...normally i dont say it to my friends...hahaha good to know that YOU ARE THE 1ST BITCH!!! ahahahahha

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