Sunday, November 8

cass and me pre celebration

ahhh (in a relaxing tone)...nice man what a awesome day man!! ok now let me tell you whhat happen...

we reach pyramid at around 11something and the guys were like saying that they are hungry and we haven decided what to eat. first we when to asian avenue they simon and cass called it lala land where many lala go there and hang out. we thought of eating gasoline but there  is not much variety so we change to WONG KOK there...even worse the food there is expensive and not much choice well i prefer that we have KIM GARY instead cos the food there is nicer and cheaper and i have the 10% discount card too u know...haha but anyway we already sitted down and looking at the menu so just go for it only..haha

once we sitted down i look at the eyes when like this 0.0 cos there is not much choices and it's expensive..OMG once nelson bring out his iphone cass was like nelson iphone den they start playing his phone and forgot to order i pity the waiter because he waited for our table order like so long man...for me i cant decided cos it's very very expensive and i dont even know what to eat the end i choose spaghetti with salsa souce and energy booster for the drink..

my energy booster is here!! wow so talk..but hey the drink is awesome got peach and berries in it and it taste sweet definately..cought nelson in the photo he is digging for his lemon in the glass

simon and nelson...omg!! i almost mix up their name man...because it sound so a like and hey they are like the same age how i get mix up..ahaha!!

me and drink is here but cass's is not haha so i get to drink first haha..

jason's drink everyone was like wondering what is the black drink and we get to have the first sip of it (sip sip) cos he is playing the iphone and we were tooo curious already and hey it matches his shirt as well balck and red..i try it is like jelly and watermelon i guess..what monster drink again i dont remember it..but it taste good too..

our drinks..while we are waiting for the food we took a picture of our colourful..we have ice lemon tea for nelson energy booster for me ice monster(i call it) for jason and something supreme for nicholas tan (jason's friend) and lastly some coffee drink for cass!

my spaghetti with mushroom sauages

simon's maggie beef noodle

mix vege rice with beef slice for nelson

maggie noodle with beef slices for cass...

hey nelson keep the phone man we are eating's not good to take it out it destract us while we eating man lol

simon licking his mouth with his tongue after meal oh look there is a tv show for us to see...i dint notice that there is quite a feel people in WONG KOK i thought it will be pack like KIM GARY..i know why ahaha because it's expensive...we did pass KIM GARY too there got lots of peolpe too..once we reach WONG KOK there is not much customer there we were like the third batch customer

cool pose cass thats natural..while drink and having iphone on the left and holding a straw on the right drinking and with her meal finish..

me and cass same bday girls...after the meal we were going to the ring and suddenly cass say her phone wen missing and we were shock and worry cass and nel when back to the restaurant to look for it and simon jason and nic when to the car to look for it...when nel was trying to call cass's phone his own phone got 'dead' all of the sudden...bad luck we have..we when to maxis and nel wanted to fix the phone simon was laughing it feels like something is wrong..i try call again and cass phone was in simon pocket..haiz she left it in the car..scare the hell out of us man...

nelson ur phone is 'dead' and u still can smile i will cry if i were

both oof them wearing jeans and stripy shirt and having the same pose call us to go first so we go to thr ring and....WE ARE IN MAN!!

cass trying to get her foot in...

i'm done that's quick right aiks why cass head is there suddenly pop up..

walking with skate very funny..but i dont like people taking my picture while i'm walking...look ugly la...
we skate a few rounds and when back for some rest and we saw nelson there getting ready and when we wan to get back in to the ring it's time to smoothen the ice again..very fast the ice melt it's because of the weather and so many people skating the ice get more easier to melt haha...

huh?? why is cass pointing at jason...i guess jut possing

our skates can u tell which is which??

me and jason

nic and jason

the peace sign..4 hand showing peace sign

bunny ears...haha..we were playing gloves while waiting for the zomboni finish their work..

wow cass...don mess with cass guys she will show u that! lol just kidding don worry her finger is not there so ther is no sign of the meaning there haha..

aiks! =.=''...the mask 'ok' girl n thats me..haha

simon and cassy

in the ring me skating toward the camera..while we were skating cass spotted a guy who do moon walk while skating cool man!! first time saw it...and cass have her eyes on that guy since we entered the

here come jason

joshua....joshua??!! suddenly pop he just arrive only lol so let's skate man..



and me!!

joshua came late...he was busy with work and now to have fun with us...

aiks nel is 'digging' his nose

smile guys smile!!

another photo of me and cass

me and simon's ticket til now all of us dint take out..haha

after skating we when to maxis to pick up nelson's phone for repair...den we have some snacks beside maxis he had hot dog and ice monster...just to spent the time til 6 something and we are off to the car...we reach to jason house and cass was like lets take picture...we were like spent half and hour in the car taking picture and this is the best 1 out from all of them...creepy we were like twilight or had so much fun today and next week another 1 on the 18 we might be going to KIM GARY or WONG KOK again to celebrate with all of them with other friends as will be like more den 10 peopla already man...get ur present ready and cass will be glad to receive them!! lol...haha

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