Wednesday, November 18

h@pPy B!rThd@y Me part 3

my third celebration for so many in a row...but it's awesome... we went to KIM GARY to gather...we reach there around 10 something and it was quite late and the restaurant is like closing up...but there is till people there cool...even so late people still come to KIM GARY!!...

me and cass the birthday girls for tonight!!

cass ordered lychee ice cream..i ordered the kiwi >.< should not have order that...

kaang hui love to do some funny much different den kaang yip...

nelson, wai keen and kaang hui...wai keen looks different from before i wonder is it he gain a bit weight?? dont know cos he looks more chubby(in a good way) den last time..last time was a bit too skinny and he dint wear glasses OMG totally different from last time lol

what is kaang hui doing man...he loves to play funny pose man u are totally different den kaang yip man..i wonder is that u guys have change ur possition or what...cos kaang yip is like acting more mature den kaang hui but kaang hui is the elder

prefect pose and picture...we pose for our ice cream lol

aaiks i was trying to eat and u took photo of me eating...=.= cass what happen to your face?! o.o?

eee...people eating oso need to take meh...funny lo

done by kaang hui and jason...what a master piece from tomatoes and chilli

what are they talking man...alwyn was there late because of fetching hey guys where is my present?? i want my just kidding man

that will be praveen on the right, gena's boy friend, gena and cass 1 of the main people there lol

i took it while she not looking ahahha

a birthday cake preent from simon..OMG SIMON!!! THAK YOU SO MUCH!! look at it man just look at it...the whole cake is strawberry...with strawberry fruits, strawberry cover with chocolate toping..strawberry cream in and out...everything pink and strawberry man look this cake the most dudes and dudats....

a picture of me and cass with our birthday cake

1 big group photo say cheese every one...we sqeeze to each other to fir everyone together to take a picture

y so blur wan nelson...

lick lick lick the knife!

a picture of the cake inside

lol omg so many people eat til thats all it fell for simon..cos the cake it so so awesome that everyone cannot resist the temptation and straight to eat all til it what it have left..

omg my tougue is pink ahhahaha

so does cass ahahaha

after we celeb and is like almost 12 something and the restaurant is close so we decided to go back but the othets..they went some where else...

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