Monday, March 29

what an unhappy day

today morning i was so down and dont feel like going for class today but i have to put on a smile to my parents and they fetch me to college dont want them to worry about me..

went to college but dint go for class...went to summit to discuss the script for short film assignment..and we finally came out a new idea for the story, a comedy short film...wanted to go college and tell lecturer but he ask me to wait for him after his class and i waited for like 3 hours just to meet him...i was wondering my self in college walking up and down just to meet him to show my idea...

finally meet the lecturer and at the end the story was rejected again!!! gosh i'm totally out of ideas ready!!!!!!!!!!!!


today my mood was totally down i really try to put on a smile on my face but i just cant...

when i was waiting for bus i found out that my purse was out of cash i have use it for lunch and brought an umbrella and printing for my assignment what the heck!!! why la this happen to me??!!! haiz!! call my mom but she busy with her cooking and she ask me to walk back..well i dont mind to walk back actually...but my friend saw me walking home and she call me and she ask her friend to fetch me as well...but i say dont need to but she insist of makes me feel that i'm no use or something...i actually cried in hinzges's friends car

OMG!!!! i really cant take it anymore!!!! ARGH!! please give me some ideas for the shoot!!!!!!!!!!!

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