Friday, May 28

dinner at pyramid

hey's friday and it's a public holiday
 it means i'm free and i can go out with BI awesome!!
 i thought that can go out with BI
but he got meeting HOW SAD WAS THAT...T.T
and the meeting was from 11am in the morning til 4pm
even worse have to wait til 4o'clock just for BI to come find me
cant wait for BI to come o!!

later we going to buy some arts supply for his class
but BI come late already!!!
the shop close already!! BI only 5o'clock come but the shop
close at 4o'clock decide to go pyramid popular to buy his things
cause the popular there is huge and lots of this to buy!! hehe

after that we went to asian avenue there for DINNER!!!
went to gasonline there for dinner...
and BI suddenly say that the first time we go out together
and eat was at gasonline and we were just friends at that time
but now...hehhe u get the picture LOL!!!

BI BI's choco mint

my 'power puff girl'

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