Tuesday, November 16

我相信 I Believe

wow thanks to joey that share the video link i wont be able to let my friend watch it and come for the musical!! thanks babe you are the best!! keep persuating my friend to come for the musical and let her see the video and she said it was inspiring..

我相信 I Believe

this song was written by our SGM member and also sang and porduce by our SGM member..

the purpose of having this HUMAN REVOLUTION the musical is to celebrate our 80th ANNIVERSERY OF SOKA GAKKAI that was establish on 18th Nov ( what en awesome date to celebrate me and cassandra's birthday i din't know that this day is such a meaningful day...is the day where TSUNESABURO MAKIGUCHI SENSEI die and the formation of SOKA GAKKAI as well how amazing is this day or what!!) and also a present for DAISAKU IKEDA our third president of SOKA GAKKAI

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