Friday, November 12


damn pek cek lo!! just after finish my 1 hour and 20 minutes of chanting happily in kaikan lecture room 2 & 3 i recieve a messgae from my lecture regarding about my final project assignment ideas that i need to show him and allow him to approve my story saying that i can just drop the subject bloody hell!!! F*** You la..

you are suppose to be supportive asshole!! is very stressful to think of a story that YOU wants and YOU dont like can just reject like a snap of ur fingers..YOU should me supportive like saying can't wait to hear what u have for me tomoro or like make sure is unexpected ending...well YOU dint and just say i can just drop the subject..making even piss off!!!

i really need to slap ur face damn freaking hard!!!! a really  BIG TIDE SLAP!!!

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