Monday, January 17


♥ baby dear called me but i was down stairs doing decorations

♥ called him back and he actually wanna borrow my editing software...okay...

♥ it's 12AM lying on the bed sneeze cause it's pass my bed time

♥ the flu making my tears falling out

♥ after 12 eventually in the end he did not wish me after what the heck..

♥ just another day pass like any other ordinary day only yup..

♥ so embarrasing that i wish him and he did not wish me back....feels like i'm wishing on the wrong day haha so yup thats it..

♥ forgeting it...just another normal day la..not planning anything for now and the following months...

♥ decided to slow stay out of it..MAY BE JUST MAY BE that..................................................

1 comment:

Sicreci said...

+That's just wot girls does all the time, don't be upset.
+Guys just think it's no biggie.

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